

Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Well some of you might remember me talking about my friend miscarrying a few months ago. Well she found out a week ago she was pregnant again and sadly msicarried this morning.
I took her to emergency and truns out the reason for her miscarriages is because she is suppost to have a shot because of her rare blood type and i feel so bad as it could of been prevented .
She has to go back tuesday for a scan then they will be giving her a shot
How could doctors be so careless :cry:
Sorry for this post just had to share

aw hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

I remember reading about your friend im so sorry there are no words but please dont feel bad its the doctors that are at fault not you or your friend.

Can you make some kind of complain (i realise at this moment it is the last thing on your mind) but maybe in the future.
In a way and im sorry if this comes out all wrong because i feel so sad for your friend but a least this has come out now and then next time she is pregnant it can be supported better and right medication given.

Lots of hugs if you wanna chat you know where i am :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im so sorry for your friend hun, its a truely awful things to have to go through for any woman.

The doctors were careless and I defo think you should complain at some point, it could have been prevented if they had done their jobs properly. Dont blame yourself hun, you did all you could and were there when your friend needed you.

If u wanna chat give me a PM, Thinking of you and your friend xxxxxx
I'm really sorry to hear that, it's so sad. Love and hugs to you and your friend :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
aww sorry to hear of her loss and may she be successful. im res negative so i got some shots coming up soon :(

Thanks girls.Theres not many i could talk to as her pregnancy was kind of private till she reached past 13 weeks.
I did talk to her and told her if she feels up to it she should make a complaint , i could see maybe making a mistake once but twice :x im so upset and also very angry .
I just wish that some people were more caring and did their jobs properly .
Thanks for your support i really appreciate it,s he is so brave and i know it has to be hard as alot of our friends including myself are pregnant and i know i would be uncomfy around us if it were me.

oh hun i am so sorry
ur friend has been to thro so much poor girl give her a massive hug from me

Thanks girls :hug: just spoke to her and she is going to be making a complaint.
omg thats awful they should of picked that up, i know what shot your on about.
aww bless her, :hug: just for you and your friend its a hrd thing to go through, and i wish her all the best with the complaints side, good luck.. :hug:

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