Aftercare Following a M/C


New Member
Jul 29, 2008
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Apologies if this is already answered elsewhere but I am new to the board. :wave:

I have now had two M/C's. The first was last October but we didn't find out until we went for the 12 week scan. I had a D & C the next day and felt like my heart had been torn from my body. We'd made the mistake of telling our parents and some close family only 2 days before the scan.

The second was only last week. I started with some dark discharge which continued despite resting. I managed to see my GP who brought my 12 week scan forward a week. I had an internal scan and unfortunately, it showed growth at only 6 weeks even though we expected it be 10 weeks. I had to wait a week (the longest of our lives) during which I had massive bleeds and tissue masses so I knew it was all over. Fortunately, there was no need for a D & C this time.

We asked at the hospital what happens now. All they could suggest was a meeting with our GP and see if he can refer us. They can't refer us directly unless we've had 3 M/C's.

Has anyone else had any experience of aftercare following their M/C's? Part of me wants to try again and part of me can't decide.

Sorry for going on :(


I'm not sure in terms of medical treatment/investigation but I was offered counselling which sounds like it would be useful to you. Before you try again you need to deal with your grief and counselling would help you to sort things out. Its such a hard thing to go through and you need to heal your mind and body.

I'm so sorry you've been through so much. :hug:
Hi im sorry you have gone through this, I too have had 2 miscarriages my first in feb this yr and my second last month, Im also finding it very hard, I would like to try again but my husband doesnt as he says he couldnt go through it all again. My Dr has put me on anti-deppressants as im not coping very well. My hospital wont test untill iv had 3 miscarriages. :hug: :hug: Sara xx
So sorry for your losses. I think it's so unfair that they don't seem willing to do anything until you've had three m/c, especially when you've had later missed m/c.

My second m/c was only at 5 weeks and to be honest didn't affect me any where near as much as my first missed m/c at 10 weeks but even so I had insomnia for weeks and couldn't eat etc. I just felt all broken hearted :(. My parents were with me the day I m/c the second time and were desperate to do something so they offered to pay for some acupuncture to help with the shock to my body and mind. He told me to take a three month break from TTC and I think it was the best thing for me really as I wasn't psychologically up for facing possible loss again. By the time it got to TTC again I did feel a lot stronger in all ways and really was prepared again I think. Luckily we caught the second month of trying, the first 9 weeks went very slowly. I couldn't get a reassurance scan on the NHS but I had a private scan for £90 last week at which there was a heartbeat so I have my fingers crossed that this time it might happen for us although I still have to get to the 12 week scan. There are lots of women on here, several in the third tri who have had 3 m/c and then go on to have healthy pregnancies with no intervention or explanation at all. The chances of losing a baby before 12 weeks are about one in four and I guess some of us are just very unlucky and there's nothing more to it than that. Still I know how difficult it is to keep faith :hug: :hug:

There are some great stories in the thread that Steelgoddess started in here (I think it's a sticky), they always make me feel better when I'm feeling low.

huge hugs hun :hug:
pm me if you want to chat
im really sorry to see uv made 2 m/c's, esp ur recent one. firstly id like to say that this forum is immensly supportive and really helped me through when i had my m/c last month, so if u ever feel alone or want someone to talk to that knows how ur feeling come here.

i didnt really have any aftercare following my mc. the hosp sent me home and said they would call in two weeks to do a scan to make sure all the preg tissue had gone. well they didnt do that. they did however call because my HCG was still high and i had to go in for blood tests, but no follow up call, i had to call the hosp to find out wot was going on. and then after that i made an appt to see my GP to get some more iron cuz i was very anemic, and she said that funding had been withdrawn so i couldnt get any counselling. wot a glowing NHS service we have hey. the best aftercare u can expect is from friends and family. as for treatment/investigation i dont think they'l do anything unless uv had 3 m/c.

:hug: take care
after both of mine i never got any after care...only now i have had to go back twice to the docs to be refered for councilling and its gonna be at least 8 weeks (along with a hell of a lot more stuff but basically have been told no anti-d's as what im feeling and doing is normal)

If you need to hun push for what you want and need ok, i also arent gonna get any tests (not that it matters anymore) but push and push hun.

I wish you all the luck i can for yo getting better help and after care darling i really mean that
Take care and get in touch anytime if you need someone to listen or talk to x
:hug: :hug:
well after having the d and c i got ignored by the night staff on my ward and the same with the morning staff, now since i have been home i haven't heared a peep out of the hospital but luckkily i know all the tissue has gone becasue i have had neg tests :D but still i had to find numbers for people like the miscarriage support person in my area, what a lovely supportive nhs we have :roll: :roll:

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