AF type pains

Fingers crossed

Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2006
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I'm on CD19 and I've been getting AF type pains for a couple of days now. I think I ov'ed last Sunday/Monday. I know clomid can give you cramps but I've had to check that I wasn't bleeding cos I 'felt' wet a few times, and when I orgasm I get really painful cramps (sorry :oops: ) Which I only every get when AF is iminent. My nipples are on fire too :( . Having a moan today :)
:hug: to all
hugs girly , if your only ovulted a week ok bit too early for af ?! keeping everything crossed thats it not af but something rather more special :hug:
keeping things crossed for you...both times I got pg, I felt AF type cramps about a week before AF would have been never know :D
hi. . i think its a bit early for af cramps, so it could be the clomid or something special.... i'd keep monitoring it and if you get concerend ask your GP... :hug:
i keep getting them to hun and im late for af but no other signs of her coming at all fingers crossed for you
manda x
Thanks ladies, I think it might be the clomid though cos it says cramps mid cycle is a common symptom of taking them :( . I'm always pessamistic cos that way I don't get dissapointed :wink: . And cos of coming back from holiday last weekend we only managed to BD on the Sunday night since the Wednesday before, and couldn't after til the Wednesday night cos OH had his sperm analysis on the Wednesday morning :x . Badly timed Ov, thats if I Ov'ed at all. I think I did cos of the pain. Sorry rambling on now :roll:

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