AF late, BFN


Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2011
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Hi, I have been reading this forum avidly since January when OH and I started TTC. You have all kept me so sane when disappointments have kept coming, so thought it was about time I actually joined rather than stalking as a guest. None of our friends or relatives know we are TTC so it is wonderful to have a forum like this to turn to.

However, this month is driving me round the bend, so I really want some opinions about what to do. I did a FRER test last Friday, 2 days before AF due and it was BFN, so although I was disappointed I didn't really expect to have succeeded this cycle, and just started looking forward to the next cycle.

AF was due on Sunday but nothing came. I did have a bad cold Saturday - Sunday so thought maybe that has delayed me (although since reading online it looks like illness will most likely cause delay to ovulation rather than LP???) My cycle is normally 24 days on the dot, apart from once where it stretched to 26 days due to abnormal stress that month. So, 26 days would have been yesterday, and there is just no sign of AF starting. I stupidly did a boots value HPT yesterday afternoon having not held my pee or anything and it was of course negative.

OH is being fab and is sending "AF starting thoughts" mixed with "BFP" thoughts just in case :eh:

Now, I genuinely do not think I am pregnant, I think I would "know" if I was (I have no suymptoms at all), but I am worried about why my usually clockwork cycle has gone haywire? I also really want AF to start soon as otherwise OH will be away during my most likely fertile time and I will be gutted to not even be able to try next month.

So, any suggestions of what I should do? I am tempted to use my other FRER tomorrow morning, but I kinda don't want to waste it.
it sounds like u might have a sticky bean!! hang out a few days and then test again! ur not out till the witch arrives!! oh and welcome!! :) xx
Hiya and welcome secret :)

Firstly, i'd double check your dates.

If you are actually late and you don't think it's pregnancy related - i'd wonder if you have reecently lost/gained a lot of weight? Or maybe you are quite young (16-20) or a bit older (30+)?

Those are the thing that might cause changes in your cycle length and as long as it isn't anything too drastic then i wouldn't worry about it too much just yet :)

Just a waiting game really i'm afraid :hug:
Thank you both for such speedy responses, it means a lot to me. I know it is just a matter of waiting. I am 28 years old, OH is 30. I haven't lost/gained a lot of weight recently and haven't changed exercise pattern or anything. I was away with work around ovulation - can changes in altitude in planes affect ovulation?? I usually use OPKs but decided this last month that I didn't want to given that I would most likely get a +ve when I wasn't at home. We BD'd as much as we could in the times I was at home though! Based on CM I think I ovulated either between 12-14 April, but of course its very imprecise. In the grand scheme of things a few days out of kilter isn't a lot, I guess it just feels a lot worse when you're TTC!
I know how you feel! I'm late too, and I don't think I'm pregnant, so I'm just really annoyed that I can't start a new cycle and get on with everything! When I get my period, I will have some blood tests done to see if my hormones are balanced, something I expect they're not! :S

Hope you get what you want soon! :hugs:
Hello and welcome :wave:
Hopefully it's a shy one and you get a bfp soon, it's frustrating isn't it xx
Think AF is finally on her way. Am pleased to know that my cycle isn't too mucked up and will go back to using OPKs this month :) Just *really* hope its started early enough so that I ovulate before OH goes away!

Good luck Esperanza84, hope you get your BFP soon!
Hi secrethope,
I'm glad you've joined in we all help eachother here, good luck xx

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