AF (again!!)

Hi all,

I too have just found out that two of my best friends are expecting........doesn't help much does it?? :?

Anyway, Ovulation is this week so another sexathon on the cards, DH is having a ball!!!

Much love
Helen, Congrats on finishing your exams!!! What are/were you studying to be? I remember how stressful finals can be and I don't envy you at all.
I had planned to use the same sperm donor, but I didn't get to. Seems that everyone else thinks that he is the perfect guy too, and there wasn't any more of his sperm available when I had my second IUI done. There should hopefully be some more of his sperm available at the end of June, but I didn't want to wait that long. Once sperm is donated it takes six months for it to be cleared. The donor has to come in and have tests ran on him to make sure that he hasn't gotten any diseases that might take six months to detect. So unless he comes back and gets tested the specimen that he gave in January will have to be thrown out. I did pick another donor, but I wasn't as pleased with him...I guess it is a mute point now since I didn't conceive. When I do it again I will either go with my second choice or look to see if there are any new donors that I am more satisfied with.....hopefully my first choice will come back and be tested so I can get his sperm again. He was THE perfect one!!!!

Hi all

The exams were my professional exams in HR (human resources). Loads of work, I didn't realise how much when I first started. I've done 4 exams in the last 12 months as well as 4 assignments (2500 words each). Now just have one big assignment (8-10,000 words) to finish it all off. Ugh!

On the positive side, I feel pretty well clued up on UK maternity rights. Keep meaning to stick a posting up on some new legislation that sneaked in that peoples employers might not be aware of re SMP. Will stick it up on the Working while pregnant bit in the next couple of days.

Have had to 'fess up to slightly lunatic obsession with babies and this website to b/f who wondered what I've been up to. His question for you moonpiesb is "how do you know he was THE perfect one?"

My question is a bit cheekier :oops: Does one (ahem) "deposit" from a bloke get shared round several women? Or does one bloke do lots of deposits? I just have visions of big syringes and rubber gloves, but I guess it's a whole lot more scientific than that! :D

p.s. sorry if this is getting too nosey. Tell me to mind my own business if you like! :oops:
You are SO not being too nosey!!!! As for THE perfect one question....I am short, very fair skinned, blah, blah, blah, and I wanted someone that would help even my child's chances of everything. And call it woman's intuition, but when I saw his profile I just "knew" he was the one I wanted. One (for lack of a better word) deposit is put into several different vials. I believe the receptionist at the bank told me twenty vials were normally harvested from one donation. They wash the semen and get only the actual sperm out of it. But yes, each man gives more than one time (usually). The sperm bank I use only takes deposits from men between the ages of 19-39, must have a college education (or at least working on one), and several other criteria. So does your b/f think that we (or should I say "I") are all completely insane for all of this TTC chatter? LOL!!!
How long before your big assignment is due? I will be thinking of you!!!

Hi Helen,

sorry for crashing your thread but there's a lady in the first trimester board who really needs some advice with a horrid boss who's trying to get her to resign because she's pregnant. She had an ectopic scare last week and he was really mean about it. He won't pay her for the time she had off for a scan and won't let her see what he's written about her in her employee records. Don't suppose that with your knowledge you could clarify things for her could you? Her name is Rosieroo and there's a thread about her work quite near the top of the list!

Thank you and baby dust all round :)

Hi Rosebay - no apology necessary. I've posted a reply up - got a bit long winded, but I can really waffle on about my pet subject!!

Hi moonpiesb. Thanks for your reply. I find this really facinating and am really glad you don't mind bearing your soul to satisfy my curiousity! :D

It's amazing those guys who donate. Do you think they think much about the potential implications of what they are doing i.e. fathering loads of children they will never see? It blows you away to think of their generosity. I wonder if they have families themselves or not...

In answer to your question, B/F thinks I am a complete loon anyway so not suprised by all this stuff!! :shock:

Assignment has 5 year deadline (I'm 2 years through). Really wish it was a much MUCH shorter one, then I'd get my finger out and get on with it!!!
I don't mind bearing my soul at all!!!!!!! Seems to help with some of the frustration!!!!!!! And who knows, maybe someone in my shoes will read my posts and realize they are not alone. I do think that some of them realize what they are fathering loads of children, but I am sure there are some that are donating just for the money. The donor I used the second time wrote in his short essay that he was raised in a very loving family and that his only wish is that his sperm go to someone who would raise their child in the same way.....that is what made me choose him. There are some donors that are called open donors..those guys agree to at least one meeting with a child once he/she reaches 18. I would have preferred to use one of them, but none of them really had what I was looking for. One good thing about the bank I use, is that they have what is called a sibling that all the children conceived from one sperm donor can get in touch with each other if they want.

I hope you don't get too much grief from b/ him that you may be a loon, but you are definitely not the only one....he can read all of our posts to prove that.

I know that three more years seems to be an eternity, but I think back to when I was 30 (three years ago) and it seems like just yesterday. Time flies when you pass least it did for me. I never would have imagined reaching the age of 33 and being single and childless. So in no time you will be through with all your studies and be on to something else...hopefully raising a little one!!!!!!!!!!

Ahhhhh......I can highly recommend the stone therapy thing. It was fabulous! I'm feeling loads more chilled out now 8)

I think b/f is slowly realising the extent of my lunacy and in common with most fellas, thinks women are a strange, irrational species. I just keep reminding him how lucky he is to have one quite as normal as me!!! :lol: :lol:

I think that sibling registry thing is a really good idea. It'd be amazing, wouldn't it, to discover you had masses and masses of brothers and sisters! It'd be really weird to see how everyone turned out.

Know what you mean about time passing quickly...will stop there as I'm in danger of sounding like my mother.... :shock: know you can't understand a word they're singing in pop songs these days, now in my day...... :shock:
lol....I know what you mean....mother's are sort of thought of as "non-hip" in the USA....can't wait to be non-hip myself one

It would be very amazing to meet a whole bunch of siblings out there, and see if any of them looked alike, or had similiar interest, etc. I wonder what things are nature and what are nurture?!?!

I have to agree that women are strange according to men's way of thinking, but to women MEN are the strange I think women tend to "think" more in terms of feelings, men think more in terms of...well, heck I don't know how men think. lol


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