You are SO not being too nosey!!!! As for THE perfect one question....I am short, very fair skinned, blah, blah, blah, and I wanted someone that would help even my child's chances of everything. And call it woman's intuition, but when I saw his profile I just "knew" he was the one I wanted. One (for lack of a better word) deposit is put into several different vials. I believe the receptionist at the bank told me twenty vials were normally harvested from one donation. They wash the semen and get only the actual sperm out of it. But yes, each man gives more than one time (usually). The sperm bank I use only takes deposits from men between the ages of 19-39, must have a college education (or at least working on one), and several other criteria. So does your b/f think that we (or should I say "I") are all completely insane for all of this TTC chatter? LOL!!!
How long before your big assignment is due? I will be thinking of you!!!