Advice - What should i do if i think i am in labour?


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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1. When you think things ma be happening and you think you may be in labour DON'T PANIC

2. There is always someone you can contac for reassurance and support so try not to worry.

These tips may help you decide what to do next.

Some women may have a mucous show before you actually go into labour.

Contractions should be regular and painful.
They should be every 5 minutes lasting 40 to 60 seconds.
They may feel lik period type pains or bckache but as time goes on they will start to get some pattern and time span.

Once they become regular or you need pain relief you will need to calll the hospital to let them know that you are coming or for advice if you are not ready to go in yet.

They will want to know a few details so have your maternity notes at hand. If you can talk on th telephone the midwife would prefer to speak to you but anyone can give them the essential information that they need to get your medical notes out ready.
If a water birth is what you would like to try, let them know on the telephone that this is in your birthplan. They will be able to let yu know if the pool is availble and allocate a member of staff to look after you when you arrive. You will need to be 37 to 42 weeks and experienced a problem free pregnancy and the baby must be in the head down position.

If your waters break and having contractions there is no need to rush into hospital, stay at home until you feel ready to go in.

If your waters break and you are not having contractions again there id no rush to go in t hospital but you will need to call the hospital so that can be advised on what to do next.

You will need to put pad on to observe the colour of the fluid and how much is leaking.
The water that you loase should be clar - if the fluid is any other colour ie green, brown, or red then you must contact the hospital.


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