Advice re EPU


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
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I'm approx 8 weeks and two weeks I went to epu as I was getting brown bleeding. Got a scan and all was ok. The bleeding lasted about 10days all in before stopping about a week ago.

Last week I lost all symptoms and basically don't feel pregnant at all!

The brown blood has started again and there's tiny stringy blobs in it :-\

Should I go back to epu? Or will they think I'm wasting their time?

My 12 scan is 5 weeks away :-(
Personally i would give them a call and ask them their advice. In your position I would want a scan so that I knew one way or another.
If they refused i would probably try and get a private scan. Waiting 5 weeks would be too torturous for me.

I really hope though that everything is ok. keeping my fingers crossed for one x
Hey last time I bled about same time and then week after it finished it started again. I rang epu but they wouldn't scan again unless big clots or real painful cramps but I couldn't bare it and booked a private scan and saw all was fine and they were actually a lot more thorough. I would ring epu though and see what they say, you are certainly not wasting their time. Hope you get some reassurance and all ok xxx
I'd ring the epu. After I had my first early miscarriage they said they'd scan me the next time and they'd rather I went to them than a private place as a private place would only be able to tell you if anything was wrong or not and if there was then the epu would need to see you anyway if you needed treatment. Having said that with this pregnancy (my fourth: 2 m/c and one successful pregnancy) I am having a private early scan because I'm too scared to wait until the 12 week one but my GP said as I had had a successful pregnancy now the epu wouldn't see me for reassurance. With my little girl the EPU scanned me twice before my 12 week scan for reassurance - I didn't have any bleeding or pain, I was just anxious x
Yes call them tomorrow morning. My EPU were excellent and any bit of bleeding or pain and they wanted to see me x
Thanks ladies. I'm going too give the epu a call today.

The bleeding has turned red this morning :-(

But on the bright side today is the first iv experienced any serious nausea. Trying to stay positive xx
Good luck hun, hope all turns out ok x
My epu gave me open access so I could just call them if I had bleeding or cramps after my initial scan. Hope you get on ok xxx
God you poor thing, I would call EPU too, no doubt about it.

Really hope everything is ok, let us know xx
Phoned thismorning burned to wait til Monday for scan.

Midwife was lovely on the phone tho and made me feel better about calling.

Thankfully not working this weekend and don't have any trips\ nights out etc

Hubby has ordered feet up in front of TV ( he's even walking the dogs for me)

Il keep you updated

Thanks for the kind wishes xx
Hope everything turns out okay, hun! It's odd that you're still bleeding like this after your scan was all okay. Good look sweetie!! Xx
Good luck! And have a restful weekend and let oh spoil you rotten xx
Hi Sparkles, how did you get on over the weekend, any more bleeding? Let us know how it goes today, good luck xx
Well not good news I'm afraid. Have lost my baby. �� Deep down I knew it, but didn't want to admit it and was clinging to tiny symptoms to convince all was OK.

Thanks for all your kind wishes xx

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