scan today at epu

xx sarah xx

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2006
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Hi everyone, i had a scan this morning at the EPU due to some bleeding I had yesterday, but luckily everything is fine :cheer:
Saw my little pip for the first time (all 2.5mm of him/her lol) and saw a strong heartbeat which was great! I'm so relieved i just wanted to share, hope you dont mind :D

How's everyone feeling?
Thats great news! Thanks for sharing. I love seeing scan pics!
oh yay :cheer: :hug:

I am glad it is all well! I have a first piccie like that, it's amazing isn't it, to think that teeny tiny little thing is your baby! :D
Hey Sarah, I had a scan today too, as I was bleeding, but all is ok and we saw a heartbeat too! It's an amazing experience isn't it? I'm 7 weeks and 1 day but we didn't get a pic as we forgot to ask beforehand :(

When will your next scan be? Mine's booked for 20 weeks, seems ages! xxx
Great news sarah and you must be feeling reasurred now you have seen your LO, congrats and take it easy!
How did you get the scan at the EPU? ive been bleeding/spotting now for over a week, i spoke to my midwife on the phone and she said that they wont let me have a scan till 8 weeks at least. I fly to cyprus later tonight, maybe ill have better luck there?!
I am glad everything looks fine honey. I know how worried you must have been.

It is really good that they gave you a picture. I didn't get one when I went to the EPU.

Take care of yourself. xxx
:clap: :clap: :clap: Congratulations :clap: :clap: :clap:

Little one already looks beautiful...and bean like :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congrats Mandspice and Sarah - great news :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
Thanks Ella :)

Girlygirl - go to A&E and tell them you've been bleeding, they'll give you a once over to see if your cervix is closed and should book you in for a scan within a few days

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