advice please - help ?


Well-Known Member
Sep 18, 2006
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im just 5 weeks prgnt . im still only gettign faint BFPs in my last prgncy i first tested at 6 weeks and it was strong BFP. but at the moment i have done around 5 tests and there still faint - is there somethign wrong ??
f theres a line then theres a line and you still are pregnant.. as long as its coloured.. you arnt having any bleeding are you?? stop bloody testing.. thats the answer then u wont be worrying all the time
sometimes hun the hormones havent fully come out til a few weeks later i think im not 100% sure,

but this can cause your tests to come out dark and then faint, as long as you still have a lline, then your still pregnant, dont worry hun!

:hug: :hug:
not bleeding no...just worried as to why im not getting any stronger lines ???
sometimes it does take a while for the pregnancy hormone to come through but the test will get darker soon hun, if your worried then speak to your doc or m/w on mon who will help to put your mind at rest.

:hug: :hug:
hun im with you on this one, i still only get really faint lines, i keep testing every day as i want a dark line lol want to put the test in my scrap book :rotfl:

It will come we have to be patient
finally im not fait are urs ? cud u put a pic on so i can compare ? i was getting worried as itested at 6.5 weeks with christopher and it was strong and came up instantly.

so so so so need a dark line to beleive it all....
yeah mine are like this...



i dont know what week i am, i think about 5 - 7 weeks




hope u can see them its so hard to get a pic
faint lines still mean your pregnant hunni.. so dont worry just go to doccys and get them to confirm.
i had two tests with faints on them(i think) but it still came out the same in the end.
i would actually say yours are darker, you have nothing to worry about, the dr has confirmed mine are positive
my dr wuldnt re test ? how did u get urs confirmed ?
my doctors here don't retest if u have already done a home pregnancy test as they say that the home pregnancy tests are so accurate that they don't need to and that is why they are so expensive.
he he nice one,we'll have a comp see who will give birth first out of all of us
hoping my dates r right,will find out at scan i guess! :rotfl:
it doesnt matter if get a positive result my doctor will still get me to pee in a cup, i hate it. can we swap surgeries lol.

dont worry bout gettin darker lines just be happy YOU ARE PREGNANT lol no need to retest.
rhian85 said:
my dr wuldnt re test ? how did u get urs confirmed ?

he re-tested me... but i asked if he would as im soo unsure

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