Advice Please - Early Scan


Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2007
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I lost my last baby in September (I was 8 weeks). I am now pregnant again (7 weeks) but I just can't get happy and I am constantly worried. The NHS is very unhelpful and have told me that the earlist scan they'll give me is at 12 weeks (over 5 weeks away).

I can't stop worrying. I want to go private for an early scan and it's only £75, but my friend and husband both say it's stupid and a waste of money as I've no pain or bleeding.

What do you think?
Hi Julie

I think if it puts your mind at rest and you can enjoy the next few weeks (plus you can afford it) then why not have an early scan.

I had one at 6 weeks because I had a little spotting. My GP just arranged it straight away, no arguments, for the next morning. It was very reassuring to see the little "bean" and the heartbeat. :)



I think I'll just do it. I just want to know that everything is OK so far. I had bad cramps and bleeding at 8 weeks last time and when I went for the internal scan they said the baby had stopping developing at least a week before and there was no heart beat and most likely never was. So if I knew it's wee heart was beating I'd be so much happier.
yea i definately think if you can afford it then have one i was feeling the same as you after my miscarriage and was so nervous and couldnt settle, luckily my midwife was very understanding and gave me an early scan to put my mind at rest.

good luck with it hun :hug:
I think £75 is well worth it if you can afford it too put your mind at rest ...I don't know if you have shopped around but scan prices do vary from one place to the next.

good luck
I garee with everyone else. I was worried through the first tri which can't have been good for the baby, and wish I had gone for an early scan to put my mind at rest. I think anything which is going to make you feel better is worth it.

All the best :hug: :hug:
I can totally understand I have MCed 3 times and will be pushing for an early scan. I am living on my nerves at the moment. I know a scan won't stop me miscarrying but it will tell me that things are okay or not and I would rather know
I think I'm going to get an early scan because I am worried so much that something is wrong :( I dont have morning sickness or any symptoms for that matter...only slightly tender boobs :(
Yep go for it I say. I'm going to get one too. As the otehrs said, it wont stop me miscarrying again, but it will make me feel better to now if all is ok. You could always fib to the doctors and say you are not quite sure of conception date, then they might send you for a dating scan?? But I'm going to go private if my doc won't agree. Let us know how you get on!

Piglet xx
I think its normal that your feeling like this and im sure everything will be fine but if it will put your mind at rest then i say go for it.
That's it booked. 5.15pm tomorrow at Nuffield Hospital in Glasgow. I'm a little nervous and a little excited. :shock:

I'll let you all know how it goes and hopefully will have a scan picture to put up. :D
Good luck tomorrow Julie

*fingers crossed* for you.

babe i know how you feel.. just relax.. i was in the same situation.. baby died and found out in my 12 weeks scan..

i'm pregnant again and i was feeling the same, it's so hard not to worry but it's not going to get you anyway trust me... just try and wait and you'll be so reviled :hug: :hug: :hug:
I am so glad you have booked the scan!! On my last pregnancy i went to 22 weeks and then found out my baby had spina bifida. It was quite bad and so the pregnancy ended.

I think if i got pregnant again then i too would go private early on and even throughout the pregnancy if it reassures me.

The NHS can be great but, as an example, they could have spotted the problems with my babies spine if they had done a scan between week 12 and 20 but they didnt as its not usual to do this. I asked why this was the case and they told me as only 1 in 1000 get a defect in their baby like me its not cost effective....Well they put it nicely but thats what it amounted to. You dont get the scan unless your high risk.

What i am trying to say is you have to do what you have to do!!!

aww Sazzle,
that is an awful thing for you to have to go through. My heart goes out to you.
£75 is nothing for a life is it!
Hi and thanks. I just wanted to give an example why its good to go with your gut feeling and get everthing checked out. I am sure all will be well but the NHS as good as it may be doesnt always see you as an individual. I know a lot of women fret in early pregnancy and the docs have to be careful just to refer the cases that justify the need for a scan but that isnt any help if you one of the people who are told to sit and wait.

We all know how important getting a viable pregnacy is and i think we should all make sure we dont just accept what we are told if you dont feel 100% happy!

I hope you have a greatt time seeing your little one.

I hope so too, it's been a very long road with enough dissapointment. ANd I can totally understand why everyone else is fretful too. I saw my doctor today and he wasn't at all helpful. When I get to 6-7 weeks I will pay to go private if they are still no use at the doctors.
A heartbeat should be detectable by then shouldn't it?
good luck with the scan tomorrow

When I get to 6-7 weeks I will pay to go private if they are still no use at the doctors.
A heartbeat should be detectable by then shouldn't it?

my understanding is that it is usually at 7 weeks but when you phone up to book check it out with them .
cool thanks for the reply and congrats!

good luck with the scan hope you are reassured and everything is fine
Had it last night, everything where it should be and the heart is beating loud and clear :dance: :dance: :dance:

Best £75 I've ever spent :cheer:

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