Advice on tiny bit of bleeding please

I don't think they'll check, not if your losing waters or having pain. I'd tell them anyway, see what they say xx
Perfect , thanks muchly Yobado, love your new avatar piccy of little Drake by the way!
Oooh, if you tell them, they may well do some checks :)
Did you get my text earlier Jen? x
Oooh, if you tell them, they may well do some checks :)
Did you get my text earlier Jen? x

Hi Leah, thanks for text, just got it as phone was on charge and had gone off! too late to text you now, will do tomorow!

Didn't ring, doesn't feel right, I really don't feel like I should be having a baby soon, haven't had many appointments , and have never rung the hosp before ever in all my pregnancys, mines just normally so clinical!

Having grumbly tum and bractons hicks, but wish I knew which way it was going.... welcome to your world I hear you all say! ha ha ha well I did fancy a bit of labour!
But they will still have to section evern if worst case something happened before then, I can't have a vbac now.

My scummy nextdoor neighbour got taken away in an abulance at about 10 pm tonight (Her boyfriend has driving offenses!) she screemed the whole road down, she was due on sat coming the 1st Jan! makes it all very real, I was quite sad and fasinated by it all and listening to her , couldn't help but hear via the wall!:whistle: Her dog is now barking the whole night, so not sure how much sleep is coming my way! Makes me want my baby now tho!
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