Advice on the Mirena coil


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2007
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Hiya. I had the Mirena Coil fitted in May. Was supposed to go back and get the strings checked but didn't bother cause I thought they'd be fine. 5 months later and decided to check for the strings earlier and had a good feel of my cervix. No strings were found. I'm gonna see the doctor on Monday to get checked out, but do any of you know what happens if the coil isn't in place? Does it stop working? Thanks!
It could be that the strings are too short for you to reach. However it is possible that the coil has moved and you won't be protected. You're doing the right thing going to the docs, they can check properly and put your mind at rest. xx

[edited for spelling] ;)
Thanks for the reply, hun. I'm going to go to the Docs tomorrow and hopefully have it removed because it's making me feel really nasty. I don't like not having periods either..I get paranoid! Pill for me!

Thanks again x
Ah good for you sweetie. I didn't have periods with mine. It complete ruined me when I had it taken out 5 years later. I had forgotten how bad they were! Hope you find something better that works for you.

Thanks, I went to the doctor today to have my string checked and it had curled up inside my cervix, which is why I couldn't feel them. She managed to pull it out so it's all good..she didn't take it out though, told me to give it another month and see how I feel..I've been thinking about it for a while ffs! Hehe :)
Aw hon. I was quite happy while mine was in, but if you don't feel real insist on having it out when you go back. It's not worth it if you're going to worry.


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