Hi all, I've posted on the TTC forum aswell, but I noticed that more pregnant girlies post on this board, so I thought you all might be able to give me some advice?
Monday and tuesday I have quite bad AF-type pain constantly with absolutely no bleeding. These were CD31 and 32. Then the pains went away and have not come back. I used a HPT on wed with FMU and it was BFN. I've counted back approx 10 days from the AF pain and me and OH did BD that day. Do you think this pain could have been implantation and has anybody else ever had anything like this before finding out they were pregnant? All your experineces would be welcome.
I still have no bleeding and perhaps very slight twinges sporadically. If it was implantation, when should I expect a HPT to be able to detect the HCG? I know the only way to tell for sure is to get a positive HPT but I'm going crazy thinking, was it or wasn't it?
Please help!!xxxxxx
Monday and tuesday I have quite bad AF-type pain constantly with absolutely no bleeding. These were CD31 and 32. Then the pains went away and have not come back. I used a HPT on wed with FMU and it was BFN. I've counted back approx 10 days from the AF pain and me and OH did BD that day. Do you think this pain could have been implantation and has anybody else ever had anything like this before finding out they were pregnant? All your experineces would be welcome.
I still have no bleeding and perhaps very slight twinges sporadically. If it was implantation, when should I expect a HPT to be able to detect the HCG? I know the only way to tell for sure is to get a positive HPT but I'm going crazy thinking, was it or wasn't it?
Please help!!xxxxxx