Advice needed for the 12 week scan?


Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2008
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I have my 1st scan on the 27th but haven't recieved the letter from the hospital yet (my midwife rang for me and got the time and date), so i dont know if theres anything i have to do for the scan, such as, do i need to take a urine sample? Do i have to drink loads and have a full bladder for the scan etc....? This is my 1st pregnancy so i'm kinda clueless :?
x :wave:
firstly you need to ring your hospital and double check the date and times

you don't need a urnie sample but you do need to make sure you drink at least a pint of water 30mins to an hour befor your scan

good luck hope all goes well :hug: :hug:
I would check with the hospital, as my letter tells me to take a urine sample with me. I think it's because my hospital do an antenatal check as well as the scan, but everywhere's different, so best to ring just to be sure.
Thank you both.
My postman is sometimes erratic, so i think i will give it to tuesday then ring up and find out :)
Does the 1st scan take long? I have to go to the hospital earlier than my apt to have blood tests, so i dont know how i'm gonna hold all that drink in for that long :|
I have my scan on Monday. The letter says they'll be doing tests and the scan at the same appointment. It doesn't tell me to bring a wee sample. If i need a full bladder for the scan i hope they do that first as i won't be able to do a part-wee for the sample and keep some back for a full bladder :lol:
Have fun at your scan saz-jay and hopefully we'll both be heading for Tri 2 next week :dance:
I haven't even met my midwife yet :( going hosp on 1st december for booking apt don't think I get scan then though but I do have to take sample with me!
At all my 12 week scans all they've done is the scan itself (they've asked questions and weighed me but no samples) the scan has always required a full bladder. I would def ring the hospital to double check tho just for your own peace of mind.

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