at 4dpo! What will you be like in a week's time?!
According to Fertility Friend, the average day to get the first positive is 14dpo. So some will get it earlier - but some won't get a + till later. For every woman who gets her BFP at 10dpo, there's another woman who won't get it till 18dpo.
Implantation normally occurs between 7 and 10 dpo, and HCG (the hormone picked up by pregnancy tests) doesn't get produced until after implantation - it usually takes a day or 2 for it to get into the urine, and then a few days again for those levels to become detectable. Women will start off with a base level of 1-5mi, which will double every 36-48 hours.
So you can see that if you implanted at 10dpo, with a base level of 1, it would take a couple of days to get into the urine, then another 5 days for the levels to double (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32) to be detectable by an HPT (usually 25mi) - which gives you 17dpo, 18dpo if you're testing with FMU. If you were lucky, you'd implant at 7dpo, and have a base level of 5, doubling quickly, with only one day to get into the urine - then you may well pick up at 10dpo with an ultra sensitive HPT (testing at 10mi). And if you're somewhere in between, then around 14dpo is indeed reasonable!
By the way - I saw my doctor the other day, and he told me that the clinic used to use the internet cheapies, but stopped after getting far too many unreliable results, both positive and negative (I'd been getting lots of faint lines, both before and after ovulation). He understood why we'd avoid spending £9 on an HPT each time, but said that the ics are a waste of money too. If you do use them, back them up with a decent test before getting excited. The doc also advised not testing until at least 14dpo, and then only if you have symptoms.
Hope this helps!