Advice needed - cat problem!!!!

Seren and my cats have been living in relative harmony for 9 months now. They love her cot and will usually climb in there if they get into the nursery but they have never got in with her when she has been in there. In fact they will curl up on most of her things (found Peggy in the highchair yesyerday) but when Seren is near they tend to avoid her. I have woken up with Seren in bed and my cat the other side 9he must have been hiding under the bed).

The majority of smothering stories are old wives tales, especially about them being attracted to the milk, and them sucking the breath out of babies. Cats like warm things so maycurl up next to baby. Its just a case of using common sense, making sure your cat can't get in to the nursery when baby is in there, but then I don't think you should leave your baby alone with any animal.

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