I've been thinking about this for the past few days and thought that I would post here in the hope that I might be able to help some of you who plan to breastfeed your babies once they arrive.
When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't sure I wanted to breastfeed but as time went on, I knew I definitely did.
I was pretty naive and thought that you got your boob out and the baby sucked and that was that.
The reality is far from it.
It's difficult. It's stressful and it can be very sore!
I'd say to any of you that want to breastfeed, PLEASE, PLEASE seek help if you have trouble in the early days. If your baby fusses and doesn't latch on properly, tell someone and have a breastfeeding counsellor come and help you. There is so much help and support out there for breastfeeding mothers now that people don't realise is there until they actually need it.
I have had a hellish time with feeding. It's been horrible at times and I have shed many a tear over it due to frustration and pain. I've been left feeling like I am a terrible Mother on occasions and it's all been down to feeding.
I have had help now and things are better. After 4 weeks, we're still not 100% with it but it's not hurting AS much as it did and I am enjoying it more again now. You might put off getting help because you think it will be embarrassing having someone watch you feed, but trust me, when you really want to feed your baby but it hurts, you'll do almost anything!
The other advise I can give is to make sure you use nipple shields if you get sore and Lansinoh is a very good cream for cracked and sore nipples.
I've not posted this to scare anyone so please don't think that... I just wish someone had told me beforehand that breastfeeding isn't always something that is easy (although I realise that for some, it is!). Had I known though, I may have been a little better prepared.
Good luck to all of you who plan to breastfeed. It is one of the best things in the world, even if it is hard at times.
When I found out I was pregnant, I wasn't sure I wanted to breastfeed but as time went on, I knew I definitely did.
I was pretty naive and thought that you got your boob out and the baby sucked and that was that.
The reality is far from it.
It's difficult. It's stressful and it can be very sore!
I'd say to any of you that want to breastfeed, PLEASE, PLEASE seek help if you have trouble in the early days. If your baby fusses and doesn't latch on properly, tell someone and have a breastfeeding counsellor come and help you. There is so much help and support out there for breastfeeding mothers now that people don't realise is there until they actually need it.
I have had a hellish time with feeding. It's been horrible at times and I have shed many a tear over it due to frustration and pain. I've been left feeling like I am a terrible Mother on occasions and it's all been down to feeding.
I have had help now and things are better. After 4 weeks, we're still not 100% with it but it's not hurting AS much as it did and I am enjoying it more again now. You might put off getting help because you think it will be embarrassing having someone watch you feed, but trust me, when you really want to feed your baby but it hurts, you'll do almost anything!
The other advise I can give is to make sure you use nipple shields if you get sore and Lansinoh is a very good cream for cracked and sore nipples.
I've not posted this to scare anyone so please don't think that... I just wish someone had told me beforehand that breastfeeding isn't always something that is easy (although I realise that for some, it is!). Had I known though, I may have been a little better prepared.
Good luck to all of you who plan to breastfeed. It is one of the best things in the world, even if it is hard at times.