Advice before i go crazy!!!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2012
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Hi everyone don't no if I'm supposed to be posting on this bit as I'm Abit in limbo and duno whats happening, some of you may of read bits from my other post but i just need write something because I'm driving myself crazy, so here goes wed last week i got a bfp did 3 more tests after that one on saturday just gone and a good strong positive line was over the moon got caught straight away and have waited for this day for ever it seems!, anyways sunday evening i would be 5weeks exactly i had a nap at tea time for couple of hours woke up went the loo and to my horror was some dark red blood that had came out whilst i weed, when i wiped there was some one toilet roll, this happened again when i went the toilet that night, i immediately panicked and rang nhs direct, who then got my oncall doctor to ring from my surgery who told me theres newt you can do just wait and see if it stops theres no point in going the gps tomoZ because they will tell me the same which i want happy about, anyways the blood never came out in my underwear and late sunday night was just there when i wiped, monday morning i rang the gp regardless to what the women told me last night also rang midwife who told me itsi common n defo go the gp as they will refer me to the EPU, so i went, the gp never seemed that concerned as he examined my stomach and i had no pain which he said i would if i was miscarrying, he said it could be implantation bleeding , and has referred me to the epu, monday the blood stopped and was brown discharge with what i can describe as stringy bits or bitty bits of darker brown in it? An today it has reduced even more to hardly anything at all, EPU rang me i have got to wait until the 10th dec for my scan when I'm 7 weeks i just don't no how I'm going to get through the next 2 weeks, i cant help but think bad things and feel I'm waiting around to be told something bad i already no, and think that altho the brown discharge has reduced i may have more to come and worse because it can take a few weeks to pass baby cant it?Also i forgot to say I've had no cramps or back pain as of yet maybe the odd twinge her n there but i had them last week before any of this nightmare unravelled! Sorry for the essay just needed a rant friends keep telling me its common and ill be fine but i cant help but think differently, i also dont really feel pregnant anymore, i have slightly tender boobs like last week when i found out, but thats it lat wed n thur i felt sicky but i feel nothing like that now i duno whether its because im thinking of other stuff that im not noticing pregnancy symptoms or i really dont have any thanks for readingxx
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I'm in this leaky crappy rowboat with you on this...

This is my 4th pregnancy (3 losses now), i got bfp last week, but since the day af was due had brown spotting.
I've got a scan booked for the 14th dec.

Having gone through this a few times now (and each time being different, got to nearly 13 weeks with no bleeding, and it was a missed mc, and in the others had some red bleeding), I don't know what to make of the brown stuff. However, there really is nothing you can do but wait it out until the scan. If they scan before this, the baby isn't formed enough to tell if you if its going to work out or not. Having hcg levels monitored on blood tests can also be dodgy, and not always give you the correct answer.

I hope this isn't bad news for you, its so so so scary. Good luck.
3 losses im so sorry, are these all close together ? Dont they do tests and stuff when you've had 3 losses? Cant imagine how you must be feeling i feel pretty crap so you must feel alot worse! It has virtually stopped now, duno if thats a good or bad sign for things to come! So you are 5 weeks aswell? The doctor said it could be implantation but i thought that happend 6-10 days after ovulation, i keep going the toilet to check! Are you having any cramps ? X
I had my first mc aged 21 and was relieved :roll:. I had one in feb 2010 (age 32), then an ectopic in may this year.

I had the whole lot of tests done in the summer/autumn, and there is nothing wrong with me apart from low vit d!!!

I think i'm about 4.5 weeks. I'm on aspirin, so blaming this entirely and trying to stay positive. I'm too chicken to do anymore pregnancy tests now. I'm also on knicker watch and its not fun.... I've had some light af type cramps which have gone off now and have got some mahoosive sore boobs which i'm taking as a good sign :)

Its good that your bleeding has stopped, hopefully it was just a bit of "adjustment" going on in there. I think any bleeding in the less than 6 weeks pregnant catorgory gets put down to implantation but i think noone really knows! How are you feeling otherwise?
Yeah it seems they they say its implantation alot!! Been quite traumatic for you then, do you have any children? Im feeling fine in myself, my boobs feel abit tender but only when i give them a good squeeze!! But they felt like that last week thur n fri so i dont feel as tho theres any change there, still can see blue veins in them
Seems be a few more now, i was feeling sicky last tue, wed, thur but that seems to have gone now so i don't no!! Over the weekend i felt like my stomach was more bloated but i dont feel that now duno if that was because i knew i was pregnant n was excited about growing a bump!ha im glad its stopped aswel its strange its bitty if you can relate to that? Its deffo no fun on knicker watch!!!ha i have done some tests one yesterday a cheapo one and one today a frer one, i never did the frer one until this afternoon tho, so am going to do another frer one in the morning and compare it to the strong positive i had saturday morning see if its faded, cos if has faded i think thats a bad sign right? The frer one this afternoon was a strong positive but i swear it want as dark as the one saturday morning and im at work so i cant compare until tomoz! So im putting it down to it not being fmu and thats why it not as strong for now until i test tomoz and can go home and compare!!x
Hi just thought id update well today the brown discharge has completley stopped its back to normal clear cervical mucus, either thats a good sign, or the 3 days of spotting was me miscarrying? But would it be that short and light for the bleeding? X
Its impossible to reassure you either way unfortunately. This journey is the scariest because noone can tell you at the start how its going to end.
I have no children yet.

I'm glad your spotting has stopped, that's got to be a good sign.

I'm on day 7 of one spot per day - its driving me mad :evil:
I'm in this leaky crappy rowboat with you on this...

This is my 4th pregnancy (3 losses now), i got bfp last week, but since the day af was due had brown spotting.
I've got a scan booked for the 14th dec.

Having gone through this a few times now (and each time being different, got to nearly 13 weeks with no bleeding, and it was a missed mc, and in the others had some red bleeding), I don't know what to make of the brown stuff. However, there really is nothing you can do but wait it out until the scan. If they scan before this, the baby isn't formed enough to tell if you if its going to work out or not. Having hcg levels monitored on blood tests can also be dodgy, and not always give you the correct answer.

I hope this isn't bad news for you, its so so so scary. Good luck.

Fingers crossed for u i know what its like to lose 3 really hope this is the one xx
I would like to think its a good sign yes! One spot a day thats also got be a good sign that its not getting worse hopefully it will stop for you aswell, it is a scary journey fx for usxx
Hi Nat

I have had two MCs one in Nov 2011 and one in Feb 2012. With my first one I had no signs that I was going to miscarry except back ache and in my CM there was what I call strings of red then the next day I was bleeding. My second once again started with the strings of red in my CM. The fact that you don't have cramps and the bleeding has stopped is a really good sign. Hold onto that for the next two weeks.

I'm currently 28 weeks along and with this pregnancy I had unexplained bleeding at 9 weeks. So FX it is the same for you.

I wish you the best of luck and I'm really sorry you have to go through this it's not nice not knowing.
Hi there thankyou thats reassuring, im trying to hold onto the fact ive had no pain and it has stopped as a positive sign ,but on the other hand a dont want get my hopes up to much if you get me, its a weird feeling i dont no if im pregnant or not if you get me!! Counting the days away, its lovley to here your 28 weeks pregnant congtatulationsxxxx

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