Advice about work during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2012
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Hi guys, I'm new here! 17 weeks pregnant today and from Milton Keynes :)

My job involves me standing up all day (literally, I don't generally even have a chair available to me) and staring at a computer screen. This is already starting to cause me a few issues, I'm incredibly tired throughout the day and obviously the standing is making this worse. I'm also regularly having dizzy spells and my midwife advised me that this is probably not helped by all the staring at the screen!

So, I'm attempting to take it a little easier.. stepping away from the computer every now and again and attempting to find somewhere to sit for a couple minutes throughout the day.
However I'm finding my managers really uncooperative with this, regularly asking why I'm not doing certain things or why I've not completed a task yet (when I still have plenty of time to do it in anyway) they've also asked me multiple times to stay late/come in early for silly reasons.

When I told them about my pregnancy I expected them to be fine as they were excited. I've also told them I've got low blood pressure and have been having a lot of breathing difficulties, but generally I feel like they're expecting me to work harder than ever and as my pregnancy progresses I'm worried this isn't going to change and I don't want to do anything that might harm my little one.

Just wondering if anyone else has similar experience with an unsupportive work place?
Welcome to pf and congrats on ur pg!
I am exactly the same hun! My job involves standing and staring at a computer screen lol with no chair available either :( I have hms and SPD has started very early this time! I was struggling at 15 weeks!! I asked my employer if I could work shorter days as I only work 16 hours a week anyway! I was told no so I went to the doctors! He gave me a fit note saying I was fit for work but could only do 4 hour shifts! which has really helped :) hope u can get some sort of help x
Your work should provide you with a chair . Where do u work x

Thanks very much, I'm glad you managed to get some help from the doctor and cut down your hours.
Unfortunately I work 8.5 hour days 5 days a week on contract so there's nothing I can do about shortening hours. That's why I thought they'd be ok with me taking a sit down every now and again but apparently not so far.
I think if it gets too bad I'll have to try going to HR! That'll scare my boss lol

Thanks for your reply, good luck with the rest of your pregnancy X
Katie_lou I'm a photographer in quite a busy studio for an online company.
Couldn't they get you a stool to sit on? Congratulations on your pregnancy
When you tell your employer about your pregnancy they have a legal right to do a health and safety review on you and your work. I would have thought they should take into consideration you having a stand for your full shift and provide your with a stool. Standing for along periods of time is not good during pregnancy.
Congrats on your pregnancy! I work in retail, 9-6... On my feet, so I understand how you feel. It's hard going. Have your work done a risk assessment? In mine it actually stated about standing for long periods of time, and also that I can take an extra break when necessary. So I have a chair, and every now and again I sit and catch up on paperwork. Or have a 10min sit down, I also take water onto the shopfloor with me to keep me hydrated. I would defo contact your HR and see what they say, wouldn't hurt to be more clued up on your rights x
Thanks everyone!
I was aware they might do a risk assessment but didn't know they had to. My manager has told HR who are fairly useless and have yet to reply, but I'll get on to them again until they agree to do the RA I think .. at least then my manager will have to take note!

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