adult acne :(

Me, My Girls & I

Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2009
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anyone know any miracle cures? i swear my spots have spots :( i dont really want to go down the antibiotics route, been there/done that/got the t-shirt and thy didnt really help! i just want to cry, its so horrible :(
I suffer too hun, it's a knock to the confidence and have no answer.

I have light scarring due to suffering since a teen and I was using the obagi nu-derm system, I have only complete half and plan to start it up again this week, it has flaked my skin then I plan to have the derma-roller done at the salon.

I have discussed the other obagi system clenziderm

However its not cheap (the nu-derm cost me £350) and needs to be done through a dermatologist.

Another thing I should kick myself for is I was taking femibion and OH said my skin looked fresher after about a week (why did I stop?). These are the ones I have (there are others);

Oh litre of water a day, I can never do it lol :blush:
Hi Hun I started to suffer from 19 from really bad acne, face, back, chest everything it was horrible but unfortunately the only thing that cleared it up ( coz I tried everything, and I mean everything) was antibiotics called roaccutane, it was amazing all clear now ( I'm 28) took a good few months to start to work though, although very bad for if u want to get pregnant or are pregnant, ask your doctor to refer u to a dermatologist to see what options u have! Mine made me really depressed it was so bad :( !!

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Hey! I get acne on my face too. I basically have tried EVERYTHING and I can honestly tell you, the only thing thst works is 2times a week exfoliate and NO soap, using clean and clear blue cleansing lotion as it's realy strong an works wonders. That's what I do and I can honestly tell you thst my spots are sooo much more descreet, no White heads and much more pale than what they were. X
bloody hell wobbs, dya think im mde of money?! :lol: dya reckon a litre of wine counts? :lol:

kel, i saw a dermatologist when i was younger and they suggested roaccutane, but its been linked to suicide and i've got a history of depression, so i decided against it!

for a while just using babywipes was working wonders, but its gone awful now! been using neutrogena stuff for the past few weeks and its done nothing :( just bought a clean and clear 3step set thing, which was expensive, well, by my standards, but i'm gettin desperate! looked in the mirror before and actually cried :( not done that in years! i really didnt want to go to playgroup cos of it, but knew i couldnt let it stop me!
I don't have any personal experience, but I've heard wonderful things about dermalogica. Here is a link to their acne products
I first heard about it in a magazine from a girl who had such pad psoriasis that it was ruining her life. She used dermalogica and it cleared her skin up wonderfully. I dunno if it works for everyone but I imagine its cheaper than £350 x
I know Hun the side effects list was massive and I was depressed already lol so I took it! The only side effects I got were sore dry lips and a few nose bleeds. :0 it's bloody harsh stuff but it worked! I'm sure there is other stuff out there now that's just as good but side effects not as bad, hope u find somethin Hun i know what it's like and it's crap!!! :)

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No experience of it hun but hope you can get something suitable that will make it bugger off xx
I don't have any personal experience, but I've heard wonderful things about dermalogica. Here is a link to their acne products
I first heard about it in a magazine from a girl who had such pad psoriasis that it was ruining her life. She used dermalogica and it cleared her skin up wonderfully. I dunno if it works for everyone but I imagine its cheaper than £350 x

The £350 system is for resurfacing/smoothing the skin that is scarred - Its an 18 week skin peeling system which can only be bought through a dermatologist as part of the system is prescription only. The other system I highly doubt is as £ but I've had people comment on difference compared to the 1001 other products I've used so have to say for me seeing a dermatologist was worth the price of confidence.

I think the £350 one is worth it in the long run think about how much we all spend on clean & clear over the years lol
My skin flares to perfumed/coloured treatments, most are not natural at all and contain so much crap ...if you are able to go a little out (and ok not in hundreds) you want natural face wash/exfoliator, a better diet, the water (no not wine lol) and get some skin vitamins.

I do believe the dermalogica products are around £50 each depending what system you want for you skin (face wash, cleansing, on spot treatments, masks, etc)

I think the £350 one is worth it in the long run think about how much we all spend on clean & clear over the years lol

Yep I've bought everything from clinique to boots own!

I've to hop back on and finish the system (you can stop and break when you want) so I'm about to and for people to actually say they see a difference made me happy! I was a bit blergh about it until then because it is alot of money but this system doesn't prevent the spot its the 'after' I can buy a travel size gel from the other system if I flare in middle of treatment which I do intend to go back for.

I'm going to top it off with the derma-roller which is around £80 a session, 3 needed but I am going to enjoy the benefits it will give me when the money sits right. I can do that as long after I finish my nu-derm system as I want.
i suffered acne for a long time the doctor always gave me treatments and nothing ever worked but recently they gave me this treatment and im telling you it works wonders everyone is different though so fingers crossed it works for you too...
I dont actually have any spots now at all maybe the odd one on my forehead but nothing compared to the way it used to be hope it works for you
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I've always had spots but usually just before AF shows her face. Atm their really bad (hormones) but if they continue to be bad after I'll go and get anti-biotics. And if I use Clearasil oor anything like that it makes my skin flare up and look worse!
I got something when I was younger it was like a gel in a glass bottle with a squidgy pad thing at the end it wasn't small and it was fab, never seen it since and nobody knew what I was onabout when I asked about it years later.

Adele, interesting thank you I may look into that one, don't get me wrong I'm still up for other peoples recommendations :D
I've always had spots but usually just before AF shows her face. Atm their really bad (hormones) but if they continue to be bad after I'll go and get anti-biotics. And if I use Clearasil oor anything like that it makes my skin flare up and look worse!
Those brands are just full of crap, your the same as me then there with the flaring up and the AF is a bitch :mad:
I've always had spots but usually just before AF shows her face. Atm their really bad (hormones) but if they continue to be bad after I'll go and get anti-biotics. And if I use Clearasil oor anything like that it makes my skin flare up and look worse!
Those brands are just full of crap, your the same as me then there with the flaring up and the AF is a bitch :mad:

Yep, I drink lots of water and find it helps but not loads. Couldnt drink a litre though lol
Omg wobbs I had that too! Stung like a bitch and was full of alcohol of I remember rightly?!

Adelle, I'm gona get some of that stuff if this doesn't work I reckon! Was Reading something earlier which uses benzoyl peroxide based stuff and is really brutal but apparently works! Thanks for the link :)

am gona do a lot of research I think! I would rather spend that extra little bit if it means I have clear skin! ATM heaps of concealer and foundation is covering it just about, but I kbow that's making it worse!!
Omg wobbs I had that too! Stung like a bitch and was full of alcohol of I remember rightly?!

Adelle, I'm gona get some of that stuff if this doesn't work I reckon! Was Reading something earlier which uses benzoyl peroxide based stuff and is really brutal but apparently works! Thanks for the link :)

am gona do a lot of research I think! I would rather spend that extra little bit if it means I have clear skin! ATM heaps of concealer and foundation is covering it just about, but I kbow that's making it worse!!

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