cystic acne???


Well-Known Member
Jun 29, 2007
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I'm 26 years old (not the normal age to start dealing with acne problems) and I have recently started having this ANNOYING problem alot!

Cystic zits/spots/acne - the nasty bumps that dwell under the skin and HURT and never ever come to a head and WON'T pop! It's like the infection just builds up under the skin and swells...ewww!

Anyways...right now I have 4 of them!!! They get HUGE too! One is the size of my fingertip...and it's come up in the same spot before. I was getting one or two of them every few they're EVERYWHERE!

WHAT CAN I DO????? Anyone had this problem?
I had what they thought might be that a couple of years ago. If you try and squish them really really hard, do they have water come out all over them, a bit like a blister? Or haven't you been daft enough to squish them that much, unlike me?:lol:

My best advice would be to try not to touch them, or pick at them. Although it's very hard not to!

Have you recently started any new tablets or anything that could be causing it as a side effect?

I saw a doc and got prescribed a hormone tablet for it- but I had an awful reaction to it, quite a rare reaction and ended up in hosp. But it might suit you better. :)

Mine all cleared up- due to stopping/having a smaller amount of some other tablets I was on that were causing it, and -not picking :rotfl:
Only thing I can think is that I've started drinking coffee like a fiend instead of water. Gotta stop that anyways soon if I'm considering TTC.
So, back to water.
I've also STOPPED taking Pregnacare I'll go back on that. I think my skin looked better when I was on it.

It's not contraceptives...haven't used any in over a year.

I've recently started using some new facewash , but that was only after my monster spots started up.
Oh, yes, and hands off - no picking.

What else can I do? Any other suggestions???

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