adominal pain


Well-Known Member
May 20, 2006
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Morning ladies

was up from 1130 till 3am this morning with adonimal pain, wasnt contractions it was like a period pain and with my hips aswell what a bloody night!!!
anyone else suffering from adominal pain???

iam so tired :cry:
awwww you poor thing. Maybe baby was laying on a nerve or in some uncomfy postion :hug:
try and get some sleep today and im sure you'll feel better.
thanks for ur reply budge :hug:

the pain is back its hard to describe its diffo adominal pain which i have all the time :x

any advice?
if its still here then id phone your midwife sophie.
Sophie, maybe try having a warm bath??? Seems to be an all round cure - well for me!? Can't say I've been suffering from any major abdominal pains just the odd cramp which I'm presuming to be Braxton Hicks!
I had this last night but it wasnt continual. In fact I was timing them just in case but figured it wasnt labour as no pattern to it. I found changing my position, having a bath and sitting on my birthing ball helped. Think baby was lying in a difficult position. If you are still in pain hun you'd better get on to the MW even if its just a case of putting your mind at rest its worth it. :hug:

I cant get a bath iam not allowed to get into bath cos of my hips :x

just been to bed for 3 hrs and feel abit better thanks :D
Are you drinking plenty? Period type pains can mean a wter infection. I hop you are feeling better xx

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