Accidents during pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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Im such an idiot, I was walking down the stairs and slipped, i knocked my knee and put my hand out aswell and must have landed really hard on my bum not that im bothered about that but i immediatly wondered if baby was ok, i feel so angry with myself...

Is nit natural to feel this way during pregnancy? And would I of scared him??

he wont know a thing about it hun. He is well cushioned in there with all the fluids around him, he is just chilling.

Its totally normal to feel annoyed with yourself, its one of the guilt factors that come with mummyhood. Im permenantly guilty.

Hope you are okay though!
I feel really guilty for soo many stupid things, and then round my granmas today she kept saying mind that, watch those stairs r steep, il do that for ya and shes the old lady kept having to remind her im not disabled im just pregnant lol

The odd accidents going to happen when your pregnant the same as when your not unfortunately, thats the way i see it !

Im sure theyre fine in there, you couldnt help fallin down and i doubt they even noticed :hug: :hug: :hug:
Im a seriously clumsy and constantly falling down/up the stairs. Baby will be fine he's a lot better padded then we all realise.

He might just give you a good kick tho! lol
Others are right, LO probably didn't even notice and if they did they wouldn't have been bothered. I do understand how you are feeling though hun, I fell up the stairs at around 14 weeks (yes UP the stairs, not down them like a normal person!!) I landed on my hand which ended up with a sprain and also landed on my leg. I felt awful afterwards and cried my eyes out but it does happen, I think pregnancy can make your balance a bit shaky so were bound to have the odd few accidents.
Hope your feeling better about it all now hun, can be a bit of a shock when it happens :hug:
Thanks guys thats really helpful, oh just comfrted me and told me not to worry too Its hard protecting something you cant visually see, however baby moved afterwards so it made me feel a little better...

Thanks ladies...

I did the same when i was carrying. I had 2 weeks left, was cleaning and tried to bring a big box downstairs. It was almost empty with a few bits of screwed up rubbish in it. But i'm a very clumsy idiot, slipped off the top step and smacked my bum down on a couple of steps. I burst into tears but all was fine.
I keep catching my belly on the car door, front door, fridge door, cupboard doors... do you see a theme here :lol:
I always feel guilty I just forget Im 3ft wider these days haha.
***vix*** said:
I keep catching my belly on the car door, front door, fridge door, cupboard doors... do you see a theme here :lol:
I always feel guilty I just forget Im 3ft wider these days haha.

:shock: me too! i still try and squeeze round shops like im a size 8 or something haha
Miss.Monroe said:
[quote="***vix***":2x73vjvb]I keep catching my belly on the car door, front door, fridge door, cupboard doors... do you see a theme here :lol:
I always feel guilty I just forget Im 3ft wider these days haha.

:shock: me too! i still try and squeeze round shops like im a size 8 or something haha[/quote:2x73vjvb]

haha I try to convince myself I was a size 8 before pregnancy and these wobbly bits are all baby... :rotfl:

:sleep: ill keep dreaming
i caught my bump on a door handle when i was heavily pregnant i turned around and my massive bump clipped on it it really hurt! but there was an angry red mark i was terrified i mightve hurt the baby i posted pictures on here in third tri and everything! baby should be fine, but if u wanna get reassurance mention it to ur mw hun. x
I caused great excitment in Southampton hospital as they had never had a 34 week pregnant lady electrocute themselves before. Morgan was fine, apparently they do get a shock too but luckily he was fine. I felt soooooo bad though, no more changing socket covers for me.... :shakehead:
someone I know, his friend was in a serious car accident with his pregnant gf. Basically a coach hit them pushed them down an embankment and landed on their car crushing it. The bloke died and his gf was seriously injured, but the baby came out of it with a fracture of its arm...

The human body is designed to protect the baby completely... while an accident might encourage early labour onset... its difficult to actually damage a baby through falling down stairs or being pushed into a table corner for example.

Your baby will be fine, but you need to take care of yourself.. your fragile. :)
Squiglet said:
Your baby will be fine, but you need to take care of yourself.. your fragile. :)

couldn't have put it better myself!

If you ever have any doubt don't think twice about going up a&e/gp/mw. even if just to put your mind at rest
I slipped down half a flight of stairs at 34 weeks, frightened the life out of myself and my poor mum whose stairs it was, but bean was fine, well cushioned in there, if you can feel movements its probably all fine, but ring your mw if you are even slightly worried, stress wont do either of you any good.

On the plus side I am now super super careful carrying Eva downstairs and place my feet really carefully, so its made me more aware and hopefully saved a worse accident. :hug:

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