
Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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i went shopping today and becasue i don't drive i got a taxi back, well normaly they help me with the shopping into the house and this taxi driver only got the shopping out of the boot and left it on the path then drove off i told him i was pregnant and asked him to help he just said NO and got into his car, so i had to carry heavey shopping (i would have carried some) down a load of steps and a small hill to he house, argh i'm fuming i mean a bit of help would have been nice
oh my gosh :shock: and you told him you were pregnanct and he still behaved like this?! that is just shocking hun.. i would have been so upset..

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
call the taxi company right now and demand to speak to the head guy/woman. thats what i would do and get him in trouble!! :x sorry you had to put up with that hun id be so angry :hug:
what a p###k i would report him to the cab firm unless he is private then just wouldnt use him again and tell everyone what a to###er he is :x
That is horrible! :x Stupid taxi drivers! My OH is putting in for his license, he better not be like that when he becomes a taxi driver!! :evil:
People are like this!!

I get pushed past for walking too slowely around town, and if i'm in tesco getting a few things and drop one no-one will pick it up for me they just watch my struggling to get down there. It's pretty damn obvious i'm pregnant now but people dont care.

In early pregnnacy i ended up walking around busy areas trying to protect my belly or with Dave in front.

At 22 weeks i had to stand on the tube cos no-one would move

After sunday i wanna get a massive sign for my back which says i am in fact pregnant not woddling and slow for no reason and that i have an umbrella and if you push past me i'll smack u with it!!! (ok maybe a bit harsh lol)

Having said all this theres the od person who's lovely and considerate about it all. They're the people who make you feel better when you've have a bad day,and restore a little faith in people

Remember the faces of the people that push into you cus you're a bit slow walking..... then when baby born buy the biggest travel system you can get and run the b*ggers over, smile sweetly and say politely "Oh I'm sorry - you were walking slower than I thought" :rotfl:

Sarah xxx
CH0C0H0LIC said:

Remember the faces of the people that push into you cus you're a bit slow walking..... then when baby born buy the biggest travel system you can get and run the b*ggers over, smile sweetly and say politely "Oh I'm sorry - you were walking slower than I thought" :rotfl:

Sarah xxx

LOL Love it!! :rotfl: :rotfl: i may have to try it
abcd1234 said:
if i'm in tesco getting a few things and drop one no-one will pick it up for me they just watch my struggling to get down there.

I enjoy watching you struggle to get down there tho! :rotfl:

I have to walk slowly with you as well so its not just you there hitting!! I need a t-shirt with "<--- I'm with the pregnant lady"

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