Absolutley fuming- here comes a rant!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2007
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Back in September before we concieved my boss retired and my colleague and I were excited as we both would have, after 4 years, had the chance to apply for her job and thus one of us would have promotion. I was 32 at the time and my colleague was 56 so I had a really good chance.

Then out of the blue they offered the job to the Dean's wife (I work at a Uni) without advertising the job, claiming that her existing job was at risk and then once she accepted the job they up-graded her so once again this was really annoying.

Well my colleague was so annoyed she left and I got my BFP in October which wouldn't had mattered as if I had got the post I would have only just my BFP.

Well a colleague just msn me to say the new boss is now leaving! I can't believe it! She must have known about this in September (it seems this has been on cards for a while).

So despite being the most experience member left in the team I can't apply for the job as I'm on maternity leave. A new member of the team is the Assistant Dean's daughter - I bet she 'gets' the job.

Sorry rant over just so angry.
why aren't you allowed to apply whilst on maternity leave? Is there anybody you could talk to about this?
If you really are the best person for the job then would they not consider holding it for you until your maternity is over? would you consider going back earlier if that were possible?

It seems so unfair for you :( I think you should try to speak to somebody in authority and let them know your concerns and that you would be interested in this post.

Good luck :hug:
Sammystar said:
why aren't you allowed to apply whilst on maternity leave? Is there anybody you could talk to about this?
If you really are the best person for the job then would they not consider holding it for you until your maternity is over? would you consider going back earlier if that were possible?

It seems so unfair for you :( I think you should try to speak to somebody in authority and let them know your concerns and that you would be interested in this post.

Good luck :hug:

mmmm good idea. The HR person who is coming back from maternity leave in a few weeks is on my facebook so could chat to her about it. I haven't been told offically about it yet so can't do anything.

Work think I am returning in 9 months but I am saving up for a year so they may not hold it open that long, and I think spending time with LO is more important, just makes my blood boil to suddenly get news like this
:hug: :hug:
Hey Moofa!

I've applied for a new job (and got it) in my organisation while on Mat leave!

They can't stop you!

You have the same rights on maternity leave as all other employees.
We have the KITS scheme where I work (keeping in touch),
and all advertised jobs are sent to me whilst i'm off.
As the other ladies have said, you should have this clarified with HR.
Good luck if you decide to go for it. I hate all the 'not what you know,
who you know' stuff. I have to admit though it happens alot where
I work :x xxx
I agree, you should apply. I can't see any reason why not! Good luck too :D
Thats really unfair, i took a new job about 2 years ago and at the time was told i would be taking over a role that the lady in ther interview was retiring from, so i took the job anyway she didnt retire :x :x :x and only retired earlier this year and justed before her announcement i got BFP so thought promotion was out the window, but the other week they confirmed i would be promoted when i get back from mat leave and they have taken on a temp at the mo to cover my job until i get back
Moofa you can not be discriminated against whilst on maternity leave - you have a right to be informed of any internal positions available and your application should be judged on your experience and merits. As a pregnant woman your employment status is stronger than as a "normal" employee!! Any company that doesnt adhere to "best practice" is really asking to be taken to tribunal!!

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