Absolutely gutted :(


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2016
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So I started bleeding heavily a couple days ago at what I believed I was 5+2. It was chunky and very painful. I assumed I'd lost the pregnancy and spent the last couple days feeling very upset. I went to see my GP today and she's referred me to the EPU and I've got a scan Thursday. She worked out my dates and said I would be 7 weeks today! She said to wait a couple days so I'm not in the midst of heavy bleeding when I'm being scanned.

I'm so so upset. Absolutely gutted :( I didn't think I'd be referred for a scan so early...im so terrified to see anything on the scan. I know there won't be a baby but seeing any sign of pregnancy is going to be awful :( will there be anything at all if I have lost the pregnancy? (I'm pretty certain I have with the type of bleeding)

Oh sweetie I'm sorry you are having to go through all this. I have no experience with scans after a loss as I didn't even report mine to a doctor but I do know that the thing I wanted the most was somewhere to rant so make sure you use us to rant at all you need <3
Thanks for replying WolfMamma, I saw your message on other post too but I'll keep chat to here. Just feel shell shocked! It's a bit more complicated as I have a heart problem. After I found out I was pregnant I had a consultant app and they said I needed an operation and that it's not the safest thing for me to be pregnant at the moment. So we had a very difficult decision to make and I couldn't bring myself to terminate. My husband was fully on my side. And then this happens... Feels like the choice was made for us. I'm a strong believer that things happen for a reason but it doesn't make it any easier :( just want the scan to be done now, this waiting and wondering is heartbreaking. My emotions are just all over the place :( hubby's getting morning off work to come with me thankfully! X
Hi hunny, so sorry. I went through something similar and had the scan a week ago. I took my husband and he looked at the screen. I didn't look. You don't have to. The person doing it and the nurse after will explain everything. If it was heavy bleeding it's likely to have all gone. You are going to be all over the place, it's awful. Good luck. x
So sorry hun :(
If your passing clots and heavy bleeding, there probably wont be anything in there, maybe some clots left.
When i miscarried 4 times it was lots of little clots, the other 2 times i passed the sacs whole, scans always showed blood clots still tho. They can do it while your bleeding though heavy though, just depends on what you want.
Sorry you're going through this, sending hugs. Take lots of time to heal and rest xx
Honey I am so so sorry to hear this !! I actually can not believe what I am reading right now. Just the other day you were comforting me when I started spotting... This is so hard. I am not an expert on scans so I can't really tell you what exactly they will see. I just wanted to let you know that I do know what you are going through as i have been through exactly the same thing 3 years ago. I do not remember what the scans showed as I had a few of them and it was all so emotional for me back then that it is all a blur now. Sorry I can not be more helpful on the subject of scan, but I am here for you if you want to talk. Sending you lots of love..xxx
When I had my first MC I was a lot younger. It was unplanned and my partner didn't want it at all. We had an appointment for an abortion and I prayed I would lose the baby and I did. At the time I was thankful the decision was made for me as I didn't want to get rid but over the years it made me incredibly sad. Obviously you can get your health sorted now but just dont forget to grieve. Its taken a decision out of your hand but it's still a loss and still a sad time for you.
Thank you so so much girls for your replies..sorry I haven't replied sooner, I've been a bit all over the place. I'm so sorry to hear of your MC's ladies :'( I've learnt today how common mc's are and I didn't realise the rate, it's bloomin' scary!!

I had my scan this morning which showed a complete miscarriage at 7 weeks. They did a pregnancy test (POS one) which still showed positive which explains why I'm still getting symptoms :( I've gotta POS monday to make sure the hormone's leaving and the pregnancy isn't hidden anywhere, but the lining of my womb is really thin and they were thorough...so certain it's all gone.

It's such an emotional rollercoaster, I'm so so upset and keep bursting out into tears it's awful. I feel guilty even though I know there;s nothing I did to cause it...my mind just runs at a million miles an hour trying to think of everything I did when I fell pregnant wondering if it was me. Urgh I wish I could switch off. I had an amazing nurse look after me today, had a good cry and she even gave me a hug. I'll heal with time but for now still feeling raw. So thankful I can vent here where you girls understand xxx so thank you for listening xxx

Sending tons of positive and healthy thoughts to you ladies with little bubbas on the way xxxxxxxx
So sorry. I felt exactly the same. I think the 'what if' stage is a totally normal part of the grief response, but it's awful. I'm sure you didn't do anything to cause it. A lot of women are actually more fertile after a miscarriage. But I know that doesn't help with how raw you feel. xxxx
So sorry to hear about this lovely. Sending lots of love and hugs. Just remember it is NOTHING that you did, I went through the exact same feeling and blamed myself totally but people here reassured me it wasn't my fault. The same way it isn't your fault. Take time for yourself and grieve as much as you need, everyone deals with it differently and there is no right or wrong answer. We are all here for you so type away when you need, I have had so much support this month and I am not sure I would have been able to get through as well as I have without everyone. Take care xx

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