Absolutely devastated.


Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2014
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So I'm back. MC at 11 weeks with twins. Had the operation on Tuesday morning to remove both babies. 4th MC but this Time I don't know how to grieve. We're starting tests in 6 weeks time to find the problem. We have no trouble getting pregnant. It's the carrying that's the problem. I can't believe this has happened again. I must have done some awful things in my past life.
Lots of love to you all.

So sorry you're going through this. I also had my 4th miscarriage earlier this year with a twin pregnancy, it was a rare twin pregnancy and that was the cause of the miscarriage but such a hard thing to go through.
Sending you virtual hugs xx
Oh no, I'm so sorry! It's a terribly unfair that you've been through so much. I hope that the tests give you some answers and a solution for the future. In the meantime, take things easy and look after yourself x
I am so sorry to read you lost your twins, I have had two MMC's the second time was with twins, we had seen the heartbeats at 8 weeks and all looked good and then at the 10 week scan they had passed, I had a d&c the next day. The grief I felt at the time was a physical ache inside me, I was gutted. Lean on those around you and hopefully the tests will show if there is anything wrong. Like you I couldn't figure how we deserved this, the truth is we haven't done anything it's just that the babies weren't strong enough to make the journey. It took me ages to get my head around it, even now it causes my heart to ache if I think about what might have been but I try to focus on the next steps.
Stay strong xx
I am also sorry and wish you a lot of strength. It seems to me in a country where I live (Poland) there is/are clinics who diagnose it. One clinic names it[FONT=&quot] PGS-NGS 360°™ and explain that [/FONT]the presence of chromosomal aneuploidy may be the reason of illness as Down, Patau, Klinefelter, Edwards, Turner, and as they say the majority of pregnancies in such a case ends in miscarriage.

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