Aaliyah-Jade's Birth Story & pics (updated with more pic


Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2006
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Sunday morning (29th october)I woke up with wetness between my legs, and I just thought my bladder had finally given up on me...So i plodded to the toilet and noticed pinky/red water running down my leg. I was more calmer than I thought i'd be, I just shouted my OH and told him then I got back into bed (because they were only trickles and it was about 4-5am).

Woke up with irregular pains which went from 5-9 minutes apart but were only dull pains. I plodded around the house for a while then went back to bed again, hoping that when I wake up the rest of my waters would follow...and it happened :cheer:

No pains yet though, I had a shower and OH told me my Mum had called the hospital and they said ive got to go in.

Go dressed, did my hair, had something to eat and then went to the hospital.

I got there and was asked to show them a wet pad, I went into the toilet to take it off and it was all green :puke: ...the midwife said that Aaliyah had done a poo inside me and that I have got to be kept in and monotored and if the labour doesnt progress as fast as they would like then i'd have to be put on a drip. (Contractions still irregular).

They took me downstairs in a small delivery room and I put on my nighty and lay on the bed to be monotored. My sister and OH came in to me shortly after.

Contractions were getting more frequent by now but the machine wasn't picking up how strong they were :think: I think the machine was a bit confused lol...

When the contractions started to get quite painful I had some gas and air and Woooooo, it's good stuff, especially through the internal exams I had to have, who would have thought they hurt so much?

Well I was 3cm dialated and it took me houuursss to get to 4cm so i got put on a drip which made contractions so strong and fast, then ages again to get to ten...inbetween time i'd asked for pethadine because the gas and air had made me puke all over my sister LOL, they shot that into my leg which hurt! :shock: But did nothing apart from make me tired. So now I had no pain relief and was really really drowsy. In the end I asked for an epidurial, not because on the pain so much, I just thought it might take the pain away long enough for me to sleep a little. I was also shocked on how easy it was to get an epidurial, I thought they would try and talk me out of it lol. The man with the drugs (can't spell the real name) came in and explained to me about the epidurial and I was like 'yeah get on with it' lol, they sprayed something really cold on my back OUCHHH that really was collld!!! Then put in the epidurial.

I managed to get some sleep and was waking up at about every other contraction, OH and sister said I slept through some. But woke up properly and realised my arse and legs were numb :shock: I diddn't like it one bit, it was a right mission impossable trying to menuver around the bed afterwards. I asked them to take me off the epidurial but they said it wasn't a good idea. :cry: The stupid thing diddn't even work right, it numbed my bum and my legs but diddnt take the edge from the contractions at all, I may aswell have not had it and been able to move around also! :evil:

I got taken off the heartbeat monotor because it wasnt picking up her heartbeat as good as they liked, so they attatched something to her head to do it.

Contractions were really strong now and not even stopping before tightening again. I had another examination and finally the words '' Your fully dialated'' came out :cheer: That really woke me up, so I shuffled up the bed and thought right, this means buisness lol!!!

Still took me ages to deliver, the midwife never told me I needed to push, I diddn't know if I needed to push properly coz of the epidurial, it felt so strange. Finally another midwife came in who knew what she was doing and said 'i can see the head, put your chin in your chest, your hands gripping your legs and push into your bum' So I did, and they said I was really good at it lol :cheer:

At 1 push though Aaliyah's hear rate dropped rapidly so dr's nurses etc...were all rushed in (3 times apparantly so my sister said, I can only remember the 1). So they lay me on my side and told me to push again but I wasn't very good at side pushing so they put me onto my back again. I don't know where this dr came from but alls I can remember is them taking the end off the bed, putting me in stirrups, and attatching a suction cup to my baby's head, and telling me to push!

The dr had his leg cocked up on the bed really pulling at her to come out, he was so determined lol, after a few very long and tiring pushes, I felt something strange but not painful down below (not painful coz of drugs lol, so don't get ya hopes up ladies that it's not gonna be painful) and the dr said 'her head is out'. My sister and OH jumped up and were shouting 'COME ON JADE, COME ON!!!' So I was pushing and pushing and pushing and FINALLY at 9:10am (30th october) felt a massive wriggle come from my luu luu! :shock:

Oh my goodness, the sigh of relief was so loud i'm suprised you all diddn't hear it. They put her straight on to me and it was the best feeling ever :D Oh cried, and my sister had tears in her eyes, I diddn't cry but was just so relieved! :D

I heard a midwife say 'OH MY GOD SHE'S AT LEAST 10.5lbs!!!' So i was in total shock at her size and weight. They got the scales and they shout past 11lbs, I thought woah thats gotta go back down, but it stayed just past 11lbs and the midwife said '11lbs 2oz!' OH MY GOODNESS! :shock: Then i was in complete shock, I kept looking at my baby thinking, how did I manage to squeeze her out of me? :shock:

My sister went almost straight after because she hadnt seen her kids in ages she was with me the whole time, and I was in labour for 30 hours all together. OH gave Aaliyah a bottle while I was stitched up. (I had to be cut).

So there's my long long birth story lol, hope you diddn't fall asleep through it, but then again I slept through some of the real thing :lol:

Here's a few piccy's...people say she don't look as big as they thought she would but I reckon she's got the height to go with the weight, she's 59cm & HC was 38cm.



ETA: they think she was so big coz I had diabetes in pregnancy that went undetected! :( got to go for a test on the 15th december.
I couldn't believe the weight originally :shock:

You did so well there, glad you asked for that Epi though :D

Well done yet again.

well done hunny, shes gorgeous!!!

ouch tho ;)

she looks so beautiful jade! well done you! :hug: and congratulations.
:shock: what a weight mate!!

well done she is gorgeous xx hope you enjoy her :hug:

Congratulations on your

I gotta admit i squeezed my legs tight shut reading that hun :D
Aww, she's beautiful hun! And what an amazing weight - well done you!! :hug:
jade i don't think you had gestational diabetes becasue bubba doesn't look fat and babies born to women with GD are generally fat. Your baby girl looks long and thin as a pose to short and fat :lol:

Didn't you say your sister had a big baby? I think its just a family thing - :)
Wow, you did incredibly well, you should be really proud of yourself!

Congratulations on the birth of your baby daughter.
:shock: :shock: :shock: how heavy???????
omg hun well done you shes a beauty :D
budge said:
jade i don't think you had gestational diabetes becasue bubba doesn't look fat and babies born to women with GD are generally fat. Your baby girl looks long and thin as a pose to short and fat :lol:

Didn't you say your sister had a big baby? I think its just a family thing - :)

well they said my blood sugar was really high when they tested it tuesday, still gotta go for the test though, it should tell me if i had it or not coz it checks the past 6 weeks, its the glucose tolerance test.
Cpngratulations Jade, you did really well!
wow hun u deserve a medal for that one

congratulations she is gorgous :D
what a beauty!!! :D well done jade she is gorgeous :hug: xxx
She is so beautiful! Well done you too! Congrats :cheer:

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