Thanx everyone!
Havn't had time to come on here much, Aaliyah is such a good baby (hope she stays that way lol) she is asleep most of the time and when she's awake she just gazes around, I try not to mard her too much coz thats when the trouble starts, but I get my cuddles lol. So as I was saying, even though she's a good baby she takes up most of my time lol, feeding, changing, bathing etc...
I had a little cry the other night, I tried to give her a bath, the water temp was fine but when I put her in it she screamed like she was in pain, she was fine when I took her out though it just really scared me

I wasn't very organised at it either I just felt hopeless and cried

My mum helped me to bath her last night though but my neices were here so it was all a bit hectic and she screamed the place down then too. Gonna do it properly when the house is quiet. I don't know how single Mums do it on their own with no help, bathing Aaliyah really did scare the hell out of me. Everything else is fine though, ive always been rather careful around other peoples young babies and not knowing how to handle them, it' so different when it's your own though, most just comes naturally.
My mum keeps saying ive had the worst labour out of her and my sister and they have 7 kids between them, she said I wouldn't know what normal labour was like because of what I went through, the birth story is just a fraction of it really so my sister keeps saying, she was with me and diddn't know how I took all the pain and being in labour for so long, my waters went 1st which made it more painful from the beginning. If people had dectected how big she was then i'm sure I would have had a section, I did have a growth scan but that was about 3lb odd off, Aaliyah is actually off the growth chart scale. I'm glad I did it vaginally in a way, I saw some of the women who had c-secs on my ward and they couldn't move for ages, don't like the look of them wee bags either lol.