

Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2010
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So I've had a hotmail account for as long as I can remember and I upgraded it to the premium account when I started using it more often and needed more room for storing emails.

Tried to log into my account today and it says incorrect password.
It appears that my account has been hacked and now I can't get access to it - I've been through all the help and support sections of Hotmail and windows live and all it says is that I have to wait for someone to contact me, By the looks of their forums there are alot of people with the same problem as me,

I just hope whoever it is that has access to my account doesn't start going through my very personal emails on there, I'm gutted to think that someone else can be reading them at this very minute.

Has anyone else here had this problem with hotmail?
I've not had this problem but hotmail is having a bit of a skit on me today! Ugh! x hope you get it sorted chick and the person doesn't have access to any bank details etc x
Oh god, that's awful :( Did they change your lost password question too?

Have a look at gmail for a free secure email account with very large storage space.
Yup they have access to everything on there - including compromising emails that if they got into the wrong hands I would be in very very big trouble.

Still no help from them at all at hotmail, Not even a response,

both my password and security question have been changed. I don't know what to do - I feel lost without my emails.

Just wish they could hurry up and help me sort it out, and from the look of their forums its going to be a nigtmare to get them to close my account - I have to have it closed otherwise they will continue charging my credit card each year - its an absolute nightmare and i should have realised when I tried to cancel my payment and go back to a free account that they were a bunch of unhelpfull people there.

Grrrr......anyone know a way to get them to hurry up and look into my problem? I've told them that it could result in me losing my job because of work emails in that account but still nothing,

Tonks - thanks for the tip re gmail - I'll check that one out!!!
Have you contacted your bank etc just to let them know some random's got access to your details? x I have no advice I'm afraid x just hope that they get back to you asap! x x

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