Aaaarghh pains **Moany whinge sorry**


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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I have spent all night getting pains that aren't contractions apparently.
I am really tired, feel sick and just want to have the baby. Never in a million years did I think it would be like this.

This afternoon I have a consultant appointment and I am hoping :pray: when I explain I have been getting these pains since Monday evening he will do some thing about it.
hopefully this is your cervix starting to thin and soften!!!!! good luck hope it gets going soon! :hug:
sarah. x x x
good luck at the consultants this avo hun :hug: :hug:

dont leave until he agress to do something....throw a hissy fit :lol: xx
I'll definitely throw a hissy fit. I'm managing to get some sleep but the pains are waking me up. I'm fed up of the pain now and the real thing hasn't even started yet.
Plan B

I am going to clean

I will evict this lad out of me :lol:
Good luck with the appointment. I hope your boy makes an appearance soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have just had a marathon cleaning session.
Put washing in, swept, hoovered and mopped floors, hoovered, polished and cleaned the kitchen.
Just the bathroom to clean now :wink:

I'm supposed to be cleaning the kitchen today but have lost my motivation again! :wall:
I am determined to keep mobile and move around plenty. I'm finding when I get the pains that they are more bearable when I am on my feet than sat/laid down.
I hope this is it for you now. I remember feeling how you do. Good luck :hug: :hug: :hug:
what kind of pains are they?

i have been having awful shooting pains and mild periody crampy

im very tired today so can't clean just want to curl up with hotwater bottle x

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