Aaaagh kids!!!


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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My 12 year old has been lovely since he come back from 2 nights at his dads (see earlier post) my 4 yr old still won't eat lumps so is livinnon tomato soup,yoghurt,ice lollies and smoothies,he's been to docs twice and we've gotta go again in 2 weeks if no improvement. And now my 9 year old has been in trouble at school for fighting?!! I got a phone call from his teacher wantin to discuss his behaviour,then he left his phone downstairs last night so I went thru his msgs (none in the inbox but 6 in sent) 'fuck off,I think ur a crapbag' been 1 of them!! I originally thought my eldest had been usin his phone but after readin thru they def came from him-apparently sent to a girl cos she was annoyin him! And apparently his nee gf is 'naughty and attractive' unlike his ex!! I was gobsmacked at his language and flippance about it. I've confiscated his phone but tbh I'm at a complete loss at what to do with him.
Y do all 3 go off the rails at the same time??
I feel your pain. My 12 year old us like a stroppy teenager, on fb flirting with all the boys and having a Mard if we dare ask her to wash up,

The 8 year old who is an angel at school so nobody would believe it, gets a strop on if things dint go her way and starts screaming that we hate her and wants to go live with her real mum.

6 yr old is an angel most of the time but after anything with sugar, she us psycho devil child. Honestly you'd think she had behavioural problems looking at her.

Hope things settle down for you xxxx
Awe hunni :hug: bloody kids ey! Who'd av em! Lol!! They will look
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Sure xxxx

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