a weird observation


Oct 17, 2008
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Hi all, coming from someone who is... lets say a bit terrified of having a baby, I noticed recently that lots of you who are ttc already have very young babies -which is quite reassuring for me because it means that having the first one hasn't put you off!! I know that sounds a bit weird but that's the way my brain is working at the moment! :?
Nobody is gonna lie and tell you childbirth isn't a stressful and painful experience, but just look at the world population. Would there be as many people if it wasn't bearable? 2 years now since I fell pregnant with my son. He will be 2 when baby arrives. I still remember everything, but know I can cope again! :hug: :hug:
I completely agree with M&Ms, I had a terrible pregnancy and an even worse labour and delivery with my son. He's 4 next week and I can still remember how traumatic it all was. This said, we just started trying for our second baby and Im so excited. Labours just a few hours out of your life and so worth every second when they put your baby in your arms. Dont be put off, I would love a girl and ive just had a reading done to tell me Im going to have a boy so Im already thinking of baby #3 as well, so it really cant be that bad xx
Thanks to both of you for replying, you both sound like very strong women, good luck with ttc.
I'm wondering if my fears are a bit ingrained, you see my mum often told me of how awful it was for her giving birth (her assumption is that I'm not going to have any although even when I hinted that I might she then went on to tell me the stories again!!!). Also when my mum had kids, although times have moved on, she gave up her job and dedicated herself to the family and I think she was a bit resentful because of that. I think this resentment has rubbed off on me a bit, that's why I'm finding it hard to decide whether to have kids or not! Well, I can't expect anyone to make the decision for me, just trying to figure things out before I get too old!

Thanks again :)
Im a mother and a midwife and from experience on both sides of the fence Ive discovered that no two situations, babies, labours etc. are ever the same. Concentrate on what it is that YOU really want and go for it. Good luck with whatever you decide xx
I just wanted to add to the other ladies' reponses. My daughter is now 13 and I had her when I was 17, so really I suppose you could say I am starting to gain my life back, so why would I want to try again now? Yes, the labour was stressful and yes your life does change like you wouldn't imagine, but every second that I'v been a mum I have enjoyed it. My daughter bless her is now having her hormonal moody teenage phase and there are times when I could .... well you know :rotfl: but she is my angel and I wouldn't swap her for the world or change the way I did things. Good luck with whatever you decide and I hope we have all given you some food for thought. x :hug:
Aww, thanks for replying everyone. That has definitely given me food for thought. shezza, I really admire your courage at having a baby so young and going for it again now! I'm sure your first daughter will be a huge help when you have another baby though!

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