A survey which might stop us all being naughty - RESULTS!!!


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2008
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Ok ladies here's the deal and I need your help to make this work.....

I plan to do a little research to see whether early testing actually pays off (think I have a sneaky suspicion what the answer might be!) and then we can use the results to keep us as good patient little girlies. SO for example in the future when someone says 'I know I'm only 3 dpo but might do a test' we can present actual evidence to say whether or not they should (I like real evidence :D )

So, please take the time to fill in the survey! I won't use the poll system as it seems you can only add one question!

So here goes.....

1) How long have you been ttc?
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?


Thank you girls - 22 people took part and I have come up with the following results.....

I have decided not to post the average length of ttc time - as thought some people may be upset by it.

BUT very interesting evidence on the times people tested!!!!

On average, when testing early, we are choosing to test at around 8dpo (earliest being 1DPO :shock: and latest being 14dpo) .

BUT those getting BFPs were on average not receiving them until around 10dpo on average (earliest being 7dpo and latest being 11dpo)

We are also on average spending about £36 per head on pregnancy tests, and, for the 8 people who got psychic readings, you have spent an average of £10.75 on them!

SO - to summarise, it seems that if we all waited til 10dpo to test (which is the most commonly occuring early testing date resulting in BFP), instead of 8dpo (which is when we are all on average testing first) we could save the cost of 1 or 2 tests and the hurt of a, rather predictable, BFN.

Well that kept me busy for a while didn't it......is it Wednesday yet?......
Good idea Bexs :hug: The results will be intresting (sp?) to read

1) How long have you been ttc? 20 Months

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? I can only answer for the first 4 months of TTC as after then my cycles messed up big time but I would say out of 4 months I tested early 4 times :oops:

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 8dpo :oops:

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test Yes at 10dpo

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? at a guess i would say about £80 (that is for just under 2 years though :) )

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? £8 and what a waste of money that was!!! :wall:
Ok, my answers:

1) We'd been ttc for 20 months
2) I tested early on last 2 cycles before AF due
3) Earliest tested was 5 days
4) Yes, this last cycle I tested 4 days prior to AF and got a BFP
5) Probably around about £40 give or take
6) None, pointless waste of money!
1) How long have you been ttc? 8 Months

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? only had chance twice because my luteal phase was only 8 days :?

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 8dpo

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test Yes at 10dpo

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? at a guess i would say about £20

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? £8
1) How long have you been ttc?
2 months.
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
5 days before af
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
Nope :cry:
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
not much yet-maybe £10
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
1) How long have you been ttc?

We had been TTCing for 11 months when I got my m/c BFP. I completed the m/c at 16 weeks, and got a BFP straightaway, before first AF - so that was then just under 15 months of TTC, but I don't think you can count the m/c time

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?

A few!

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?

4dpo - BUT that was on this cycle, and I felt so weird that I was suddenly afraid that I still had retained products from my m/c (see my sig for saga), I tested to rule out that possibility. I have tested at 9dpo before now, including again on this cycle. But I have an 11-day LP, so I'm testing 3 days before AF is due.

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test

Yes - one at 13dpo (but for me, AF was already a day late so not early), which was a chem pg, and this cycle at 10dpo, 2 days before AF was due.

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?

WAY too much. I've only tested early using ebay cheapies, but with both the m/c and this pg, I spent a fortune on FRERs and ClearBlues as soon as I got a BFP :wall: I was so afraid it was another chem each time. I also spent about £10 on ebay cheapies to monitor out the HCG after the m/c, but that doesn't really count. The worst extravagance was a total of about £40 on the new Clearblue digis, which are totally crap, don't work proprly, and cause a lot of worry. And they are really bad for the environment - I had to take the batteries to be recycled, and each battery lasted only 24h. At least the cheapies are just card strips.

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?

£3. I was feeling left out and wanted to join the fun. That was a load of sh*t, too. I've got pg twice in the last 4 months, which means Cheri had a 50% chance to be right (birth, conceive or find out month = 3 months, x 2 pregnancies. That equals 6 months in a year of 12 months) with her choice. She blew it. She went for September, which was the month I had two D&Cs in. You don't get more wrong than that. There's no chance of it being Sept 09 either - even if I m/c now, I wouldn't be conceiving again this month. By the way, my own prediction was July - and I was right with both pgs (find out, with the m/c, and due, with this). So since I have a 200% success rate, please feel free to give me money...:lol:
1) How long have you been ttc? 4 months
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? 3 months (it's too early to test on this cycle so next week it could be 4 :oops:
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 4DPO :oops:
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test No :(
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? £15
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? £5
1) How long have you been ttc? 6 Months

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? most of them!

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 13dpo (that could be between 0 and 3 days before AF)

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - no

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? approx £20

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? £0
1) How long have you been ttc? 7months then got a bfp which ended in m/c...and 3months then got my bfp
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? 2/3 not many
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 10 dpo
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test? yes 11dpo
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? £4
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? none
1) How long have you been ttc? 2 years and 10 mnths since came of the pill but only tcc propally for just over 2 years
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? 3
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 7dpo
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test no
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? £50
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? £12
1) How long have you been ttc?
I wasn't ttc this time! last time I was ttc for about 3 months.

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
OK I will answer this regarding my previous pregnancy. i tested early in all cycles i was an addict!

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
without a positive. as early as 1 day post Ovulation LOL! with a bfp it was this time using a digital! I said i was an addict lol so i wasn't expecting to have a bfp as i wasn't ttc but tested 7dpo and got a bfp on a digital ONLY!

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test?
Yes. 7dpo

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
3 times really!
1) How long have you been ttc? 14 months I think :?
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early all of them
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?8DPO
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing earlyNo
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?ebay cheapies so only about £5
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?Done them all :oops: about £25 :oops: :( :doh:
1) How long have you been ttc?
We got pg in our third month of ttc

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
Never :angel:

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
My cycle varies between 31 and 35 days, and I never tested earlier than 31 days

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
No - but I got two BFNs on day 31 and 32 of my cycle even though I was actually pg. I never tested early because I had a chemical pregnancy a few years ago when I wasn't TTC, which always put me off

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
I can tell you exactly - two clearblue digi twin packs (lost one though :evil: ) at £12 each, one clearblue normal twinpack at £10 and two 99p cheapies (didn't know about them until the cycle I got pg, then bought the digi to confirm!) so £24 altogether.

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
Not a penny - I am an uber-sceptic when it comes to that sort of thing. I know it's just a laugh for most people, but some people take it so seriously - and if you're desperate for a baby, I think it's playing with people's dreams and I don't like that one bit :shakehead: I'd much rather ask Babyblonde's dogs for their predictions - so do they reckon I'm team blue or pink? :lol:
1) How long have you been ttc?
1 month for both of mine :)

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
Both times (So twice)

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
About a week before AF with Chester, about 3 days with this buba

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
Got V V V V faint lines and neither me or DH could work out whether positive or not, then tested day AF due and got strong positives (this with both babies)

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
4 Clearblues with Chester so maybe £40, but this one I went mad cus of them horrible conception indicators confusing and upsetting me so probably over £100 in total :oops:

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
1) How long have you been ttc? got pregnant first time we tried
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? tested early on my only ttc cycle
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? 7dpo
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test - yes, got a faint bfp 8dpo
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? about £5 for ebay ones and £5 for a digi
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? absolutely nothing!

Don't know if this will help you though because I tested early and I don't regret it :lol:
Ok -

1) How long have you been ttc?
2 months this time around (after a miscarriage in Sept)

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
ZERO...that might change this cycle, tho.

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
7DPO, probs

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
No, no no no.

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
Ugh...£200, maybe, including all of my ttc past, and only two of those have ever tested positive!

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
1) How long have you been ttc?
it was 6 months this time
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
none :angel: everyone on here must know what i thought about early testing :shakehead: i went on about it enough.
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
day AF was due
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
nothing, i had some left over from last time including 2 digis that were just in date from having DS so i was very lucky.
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
nothing don't believe in it, i know they have been right for a lot of people but its not for me.
1) How long have you been ttc?
8 months now

2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?

3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
1 day before af due :angel:

4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
no - but that was my really odd bfn for 2 weeks with sickness and dizziness where might have had m/c but with bfns anyway.

5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
not sure hubby bought bulk off ebay, think they were a tenner for lots and 8 for clear blue and 8 for 2 fr

6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?
babyblonde said:
1) How long have you been ttc?
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)?
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested?
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc?
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings?

1) Now at the very beginning of 3rd cycle
2) Both of them
3) Around 3 days PO :oops:
4) No
5) About 25 pounds
6) Stupidly about 10 pounds :doh:
1) How long have you been ttc? We were TTC for 3 months
2) How many cycles since ttc have you tested early (i.e. before AF due date)? None
3) What do you estimate to be the earliest you have ever tested? n/a
4) Have you ever received a BFP when testing early - if yes approximately how early did you test n/a
5) How much do you estimate you have spent on pregnancy tests since ttc? about £20 and all in one go as i didn't quite believe the BFP the first or second time.
6) How much do you estimate you have spent on psychic readings? none, don't believe in it.

Good luck to all :hug:

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