A question - what happened after OV when you got your BFP?


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hiya, hope you don't mind yet another question from me lol!

Ok, on the 14th, I had clear, very stretchy EWCM and we BDed. The day before it was white and a bit stretchy, day after was still clear but white tinge to it and BDed again. Since then my CM has been mostly milk white and yesterday was stretchy again. Unfortunately we did not BD yesterday. :(

For 2 weeks I've had mild cramping/dull aches and a weird pulling/twisting sensation. We have only missed 5 days this cycle but apart from that have BDed every day. Two days were right after AF and the rest have been spread out over the cycle. I've hd headaches every day and today I feel rotten. I feel drained of energy, ache all over and my back has been quite painful. My boobs are swollen and nipples feel weird but not as sore as what I have read.

My question is - is this all normal? And what happened to your CM after OV? I'm sure it's supposed to dry up but mine hasn't.

What was it like for everyone who got their BFP? I am due to test on 26th. x
Hey. Well when I was waiting to be able to test I had LOADS of cm...which made me test early and I got my bfp!!! It sort of feels like you have to run to the loo to see if AF has come all the time and I had it from ov and still have it now! Soooo graphic...sorry about that! Good luck!xx
Well I seem to have plenty of white CM. Not quite sure what it means, I thought the clear EWCM was when I ovulated but I really don't have a clue. Strange that it would go from white to clear back to white - it hasn't dried up either. I feel really "wet" too, but to check CM I find it easier to go to the loo first but have heard that checking CM this way is normal? x
I think that you know your body well enough to know when you have more cm than normal and what colour it is and stuff. If my experience is anything to go by then I would say that it's a really positive sign...especially together with the cramping and pulling sensations in your tummy. When are you going to test? When is af due?xx
Testing on 26th but if BFN will just retest again at the end of the month/beginning of November.

Not sure about AF, cycle last month was 50 days long and am irregular so no idea. However if this is the week of OV, AF is due in 2 weeks time. x
Ah, it must be hard having such long cycles! I'll keep everything crossed for you sweet!xx
Thanks. :)

Not all my cycles are that long, some are shorter, it does vary. I so badly want that BFP. :( x x
Of course you do. It will happen for you. I never thought it would happen for me, but it did!xx

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