Did we miss it??


Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2010
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Hiya all!

I've been tracking the changes in my CM this week and think I actually picked OV week!

12th Oct - Small pale brownish discharge in undies, about the size of a 5p coin.

13th Oct - (CD21) White stretchy CM - only stretches a little - couple of centimetres. BDed today.

14th Oct - In the morning I almost did not notice 2 small specks of dark brown/red. So light that they were not absorbed into panty liner. CM is now mainly clear and like raw egg whites. Stretches over an inch without breaking. BDed today.

15th Oct - CM is now clear tinged white, notice my boobs are swollen and a little sensitive. Have had mild cramps/pulling/aches for past 2 weeks. Also experiencing backache.

16th Oct - CM is now mainly milky white and stretches only a couple of centimetres. Still experiencing cramps. Convinced AF is around the corner but AF pains are usually much worse.BDed today. Backache quite bad today.

17th Oct - Seem to have a bit more CM, clear tinged with lots of white a bit more stretchy - stretched about an inch and half. Unfortunately DID NOT BD TODAY.

My question is - Have we missed our chance?? I'm not sure what happened as I thought my CM was meant to dry up after the EWCM but obviously has not.

Testing on the 26th but am starting to worry we've missed our chance. :( :(
Hey Hun,

I don't really track CM, I have little nosey but don't really chart.

Did you see that link Shauna put on, I'll try and find the post for you and put it on the first page.

Even if you only BD'd before OV it doesn't mean you are out as the swimmers :sperm: can live for up to 5 days.

Have you got OPKs now?

Good luck and lots of Babydust! xx
With the cervix pics? Yes I did, thanks for reminding me, will have another look to see if it can help.

I'm just a bit baffled as I am not sure if my actual ovulation was when my CM was stretchiest and clear??

How're you hun? x
Yeah that one hun.

Get some OPK next cycle if you don't get a BFP that is.

I'm good thanks, OV will be next weekend but I'm starting my OPKs tomorrow just so I don't miss it if it changes from the usual day.

I'm having the day 21 bloods nine days after OV, which won't actually be day 21 bloods as it will be CD34 for me with my long cycles!

They are to check for Progesterone needed for implantation so fingers crossed all will come back ok.

Had a look at the pics, looks like the CM dried up quite quickly, it hasn't for me so not sure what's happening. I feel rotten today, headache and achey. TYPICAL! Lol.

Hoping to BD tonight though!

That's good, I reckon I'll get some OPKs next month if I don't get a BFP this month especially as I'm irregular too. Last cycle was around 50 days so this one seems to be a fair bit shorter if I've OVed now?

Will keep my FX for you hun. x x
yeah missjuly, you deffo need to get OPK's next month, your cycle is too unpredictable to rely on your CM. Hopefully you won't be needing them though ;)

Well I think we have BDed on the right days, when my CM was most fertile - clear, and v. stretchy ...the 26th could not come quick enough!

I'm ready for disappointment but so badly want to see that BFP.
you've done it every other day this month haven't you? if so i would say you stand a very good chance of a BFP - and your OH deserves an award lol! xx
Lol yes, we've BDed pretty much every day since AF left, did miss out last night though!

I think it's because I've relaxed about BDing and we just do it when we feel like it, we both enjoy it and I make sure it's fun for both of us. We don't talk about TTC and ovulation, we just get on with life and enjoy being married. :)


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