A question for all those ladies that have ever experienced a loss .


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Could you ever think oh well it's not meant to be and give up?

For me I couldn't , it's like losing my first baby at nearly 12 wks , done something emotionally .
It was all I could think about and I couldn't let it lye, lt was like nothing would take the pain away, apart from another baby.

Then I lost another and it just made it worse still.

Just wondering your experiences? X
I have very recently just had a mc that rusulted in infection and being rushed to surgery, I have two boys already and that was my first loss but don't think we will be trying again. It's still very early days so I can't say how I will feel in 6 months but for now I have my two boys and going to make the most of them. If I didn't already have children I doubt I'd feel the same tho. It's a heart braking thing to go through but seeing the ladies on hear finally get there sticky makes me think its worth it.

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I suppose it will vary greatly from woman to woman. I've lost 7 babies and still not given up. I do have an 18 yeah old daughter but really want to be a mummy again and will never give up till I'm officially to old. My last loss in July at 15 weeks almost cost me my life and I swore never again. 2 weeks later I was like come on let's go but I have to wait 2 months for my womb to recover from the damage. Sometimes I do feel like I can't go on but it never lasts long and I will get my rainbow baby xxx
I suppose it will vary greatly from woman to woman. I've lost 7 babies and still not given up. I do have an 18 yeah old daughter but really want to be a mummy again and will never give up till I'm officially to old. My last loss in July at 15 weeks almost cost me my life and I swore never again. 2 weeks later I was like come on let's go but I have to wait 2 months for my womb to recover from the damage. Sometimes I do feel like I can't go on but it never lasts long and I will get my rainbow baby xxx

I'm so sorry you have been through all that Fx for your sticky soon.

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"Hope dies last"

I love that quote and it got me through very dark times.

I never for a moment imagined my life without a child, I think I would have kept going until I was too old (or OH left me!!)

I've had 2 miscarriages and both times I didnt want to give up. What got me through it both times was my son & the fact that one day I want him to have a brother or sister and I wouldn't give up trying yet. I'm sorry for your loss xx
I think it depends. My mc was my first pregnancy and I badly want to try again. My pregnancy was a bit of a fluke though (told I would need help then conceived naturally), so I don't know what the future holds. Sometimes I think it will never happen again, but think this is more of a defence mechanism. After all, if I don't get pg again, I can't mc again, but I don't want to give up. Even though it doesn't feel like it at the moment, I have to believe it will happen and I will have a healthy, beautiful baby one day. Many of the ladies on here have stories that do end happily, so please don't give up x x x
I have felt like giving up at times but only lasts a day or so, I won't give up until we get our forever baby or until I am told there is absolutely no chance-even then, I would probably still try. My miscarriages have been awful and soul destroying but I feel my life will not be complete until I have more children and to get that, I have to keep positive and keep trying x
I thought maybe I could. After several chemicals and a 38 week loss, then a couple more chemicals, we had decided to give ourselves a time limit and then Draw a line and face a different life. There were times when it was too hard to take and I would say. Didn't want to keep going but deep in my heart I wanted to keep going. We did get our miracle before our "deadline". I will always wonder if I could have truly given up on my dream or not xx
Hi, I am new to posting although I have found comfort by reading pages since my mc over a year ago. I also think how far would I go. I had my son at 38 but my OH did not want another. He had a change of heart when I was in my mid forties. I got pg but mc. I now wonder if it is all over but should I take one last chance. I know odds are against me and another mc would be too painful if it happened at all. However the pain of not having another makes me wonder. I so understand those feelings - do you march on to the end until menopause or say enough is enough?
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I had a very tough pregnancy with my little girl (possible genetic issues and all sorts, it was very scary) but she made it and is doing well. That was followed very quickly by two MCs at just over 11 weeks both times (11+4 ish). These wee exactly five months apart. I found it very hard but the one thing that kept me going was this:
I could regret giving up, but never regret trying. If you don't try, you rule out all possibility of succeeding.
I am currently about 6wks pregnant and although I'm scared, I'm also hopeful.
It's a personal choice, but that's my take on it xx
I'm not sure, I have only had one miscarriage *touch wood* so have no idea how it would feel to have multiple miscarriages, one is bad enough in my opinion so can only imagine what a number of them would do to a woman. My first pregnancy did make me realise how much I wanted kids in my life though, before that I wasn't 100% sure and I am now pregnant again for the second time and only have 6 weeks until my due date so I have been very lucky.

My mum has lost 5 pregnancies, they told her that they thought her body had a condition that would attack the baby if it was a girl. She gave birth to 4 boys fine but she would not give up on her wish for a girl, she finally got her wish and I am the baby of the family although my birth was very traumatic and a lot of things went wrong so we are both very lucky to be alive to tell the tale. Me and my mum have an extremely close relationship though and I think a big part of that is probably down to the fact that I was so wanted.

If I was told I would never have children I honestly think it would make so damn determined to prove everyone wrong and I would do everything I possibly could unless it became detrimental to my health and my relationship to do so. It is a really tough call x
When I had my mc in October just after my birthday it was hard as my other half was home with r little girl who was asleep in bed so went though it on my own as I lost my mum when she was 20 days old and the mother in law was like if it's happening then it's happening which hurt but the stuff at the hospital where so lovely and one of them would not let me look at the floor as I think the baby was there so I didn't see much on that side it still hurts a lot as I would have a 3ish month old now and my iron levels are not right so we r still trying at the min to get pregnant again and I'm a little scared cos I have no mum here to help me and I'm not happy with my mother in law at the minute for other things so it's going to be hard x

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