A post about Jabberwookie...


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2007
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I hope no one minds me posting this here...it's abouit SEX :lol:

Im really dying to have SEX!!!!!! i miss it loads and my OH isnt having a bar at ALL... And im not talking about boring jig jig finish off to bed Im talking about the proper stuff that leaves you with a huge grin on ur face...

I've tried everything short of tying him up...

He's convinced the baby might see "it" bobbing about.

Anyone else in my boat?

DH isn't scared of baby seeing it so much he's just self concious about hurting me or the baby in some way. No matter how much I tell him it's perfectly safe he still feels a bit odd.

Although saying that.....the other day we were just in the 'warm up' phase IYKWIM and baby started having a right wriggle....it was very distracting for me I have to say :rotfl: :rotfl:
heh - the mind is willing but the flesh is weak!! :lol: I really can't be bothered. People keep advising it as a way to start labour and all I can think is, "d'ya know how difficult that is at the moment? - I have a 3 stone bowling ball attached to my front!" Last time I kept getting cramp in different places.
no but i had to reply coz i'm in stitches!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
i dont think i wanted one near me at your stage i can't remember!!! hehe
but seriously some men just get worried they are gonna poke the baby or something and it puts
them off- which is silly i mean theres your cervix in the way for a start and then the babys in the womb in his
little sac floating about all cushioned!! Hope you convince him to change his mind soon :hug:
Chrissy1 said:
Although saying that.....the other day we were just in the 'warm up' phase IYKWIM and baby started having a right wriggle....it was very distracting for me I have to say :rotfl: :rotfl:

Yeah I get distracted and find it quite off putting. Oscar seems to sense it happening and kicks as if to say 'Stop that, you're embarrassing me!' :oops:
Chrissy1 said:
Although saying that.....the other day we were just in the 'warm up' phase IYKWIM and baby started having a right wriggle....it was very distracting for me I have to say :rotfl: :rotfl:

That happens to me a lot lol!! Not that I'm getting a lot, but more than you guys lol!

Its just not the same when baby is moving around - I can't tell whether baby is telling us to stop or joining in! :shock:
mite just have to resort to tying him up?? :rotfl:

what about getting some candles and some music and not giving him an option??
DH and I haven't even attempted it since BFP :shock: . Weren't allowed to for first 16 weeks on docs orders as kept bleeding and then we just didn't do it as was scared. I really don't want to now as I'm huge and uncomfortable. We had a good sex life before and I'm sure we will again after in a few more months.
Where's the sticking-tongue-out smiley?

I had kind of gone off it a bit, and we were down to once a week, or even once a fortnight at it's worst, but I now have my sex drive back, so I'm super chuffed, it's come back just in time too! Full term this week ;)
NickyB said:
Where's the sticking-tongue-out smiley?

I had kind of gone off it a bit, and we were down to once a week, or even once a fortnight at it's worst, but I now have my sex drive back, so I'm super chuffed, it's come back just in time too! Full term this week ;)

Lol Nicky's gonna get some jiggy jiggy on :wink: x
MissyRee said:
NickyB said:
Where's the sticking-tongue-out smiley?

I had kind of gone off it a bit, and we were down to once a week, or even once a fortnight at it's worst, but I now have my sex drive back, so I'm super chuffed, it's come back just in time too! Full term this week ;)

Lol Nicky's gonna get some jiggy jiggy on :wink: x


:evil: :rotfl:
Made me chuckle lol

My OH wants it all the time and im just not up for it as its to uncomfy but when i do want it he knows that Archie is ok in there lol
Oh lordy Sharne can I pimp my Oh to you as he is being very patient but sounds as ravenous as you?!! :D

I just cant be arsed as it hurts my back, belly and I just feel too bleeerrrgh atm to oblidge any more than once a week.
i'm getting this sort of way now but don't seem to be able to convince DH that i don't want it to start off labour (would help though!)

doesn't help either that his dad's staying with us this week just incase baby comes so we've got another set of hands with nichola and new baby!

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