a positive thread for all the positive things


Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2008
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hiya all you mummies to be i have been a bit low coming into this section recently what with the talk about miscarriages and it's kinda not helping me atm so i thought i'd make this post for all the positive things about pregnancy and mabe ask if it's alright if you tone the posts down a bit on that subject as there are a few girls in here who have lost before and we all need to stay positive :D

so let me start:
I love every symptom i get becasue it reminds me all is healthy and well :D

hugs to all :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hiya girls!! :wave:

I think this is a great post hun!!

I love my sickness, even tho I moan, I love the fact I am exhausted cause my baby is taking all my energy cause its growing inside me!! I also love the fact I can eat junk and not feel guilty about it!!

we all need to stay positive or things will just eat up all up and not let us enjoy our pregnancy!!

:hug: :hug:
good idea anna...even tho this is my first, i too worry and get upset about the bad things that could happen, god knows how those of you who have lost before must feel about some of the threads....

i cant say i love the feeling sick constantly....but i do love the fact i have a tiny little person growing inside me!

heres to happy, healthy pregnancies for us all..... x
I am loving eating and not feeling guilty - and if my tummy sticks out a bit I know it's not just fat!

I am loving not feeling like I'm just a lazy pig when I go to bed at 9.30 and get up at 8.

I also love seeing and hearing how excited friends and family are when we tell them the news (only just started doing this!).

I also love reading the birth stories on this site - nearly every one makes me cry!

And finally, for the first day in ages I haven't had to wear my sickness bands. I'm still constantly hungry but I think (fingers crossed!) that the sickness in on the way out - so I am feeling even more positive about it all. There is light at the end of the tunnel girls!!!

Anna/Urchin your absolutely right and I know im guilty of this, and probably reading about other people worrying makes us worse.

So here is what I love about my pregnancy:
- All those stretchy feelings and crampy feelings I get to remind me that its growing inside me
- I love taking my vitamins and eating fruit thinking im doing my best for it
- My little bloated/fat belly because its just my body making room for the bubs
- Looking up what my baby looks like each week and what it has developed
- I even love the sick feeling because I know its all normal and natural
- Eating for two even though I dont need to lol
- Everything, I love this feeling :cheer:
I agree with you there, its quite upsetting reading things sometimes and can make you worry even though you weren't worried!!

I love EVERYTHING about being pregnant.

My expanding waiste line
Eating healthily
Going to bed early
Having an excuse to feel tired all the time
Having an excuse to keep teary
I agree with you there, its quite upsetting reading things sometimes and can make you worry even though you weren't worried!!

I love EVERYTHING about being pregnant.

My expanding waiste line
Eating healthily
Going to bed early
Having an excuse to feel tired all the time
Having an excuse to be teary
Like all of you, I also enjoy being pregnant :D I know I moan to my bloke constantly about putting on weight, but at the end of the day I'm getting bigger for a good reason. I'm exhausted and feel really sick a lot of the time, get up about 4-5 times a night to go to the loo, but it means that my baby is growing and developing inside me as it should be :cheer:
I like my slowly growing baby belly and can't wait until i have a proper bump!
I like looking at babies things and saying 'ooo i want that!' even if i don't need it!
I LOVE The fact that my tiny boobies are getting bigger :cheer:
I like thinking for hours whether it's a boy or girl, thinking about baby names and wondering what he/she will look like

(notice how i didn't say about feeling sick... I don't agree with some of you :rotfl: ) - just kidding, it lets me know that i am pregnant and normal, me and my sickness have a love-hate relationship. :lol:
This is such a lovely thread!!!

Im only 5 weeks so not had too many symptoms yet, but remembering last time im looking forward to....

Eating as much as I like of whatever I like and not calorie counting!!

Having my first scan :cheer:

Feeling baby's first kicks

Rubbing my bump!

Generally enjoying being preggers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

When I had my son I really missed my bump and being pregnant and longed for the time back again if that makes sense????? So this time im really going to appreciate it and not moan and worry like I did in my first pregnancy (or try lol)
I love and laugh that my boobs measured at a 32ff or a 34f today from a 32 dd hahahaha


p.s. also - i was able to eat a small meal and keep it down for the first time in weeks today!!


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