A little stressed...


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2012
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Hi girls , I had my beautiful girl Emilie Mae Grace Britten on the 4th of may. She has been a perfect angel so far but tonight she choked on her milk and went purple and blue and floppy. I couldn't get her breathing properly so an ambulance was called, she was struggling to breathe and coughing and foaming at the mouth it was awful. By the time the paramedics arrived - about 10 mins after she was breathing more normally. They checked her over and said she was fine ... 15 mins later she was sick and started to choke again!!! Luckily I managed to help her myself. I'm now so stressed and worried I'm in the lounge with her watching her like a hawk. There's no way ill sleep tonight 😢. I feel so stressed .. not good as I'm so exhausted too. I feel like a terrible mum :( xxx
Oh hun, I'm sorry to hear this what a horrid fright for you. You most defo are not a bad Mum you reacted n did eat had to be done n she is safe now so u r a fantastic mum. I can understand how freaked out you must feel nut try bit to panic it might well be a one off experience n unlikely to happen again esp when asleep as it sounds like she choked on her milk n then probably frightened herself n as soon as something else was in her mouth panicked again n choked.

Did the paramedics say anything else needed to be done?? Hope u can get some sleep hun.

How is everything now?

Sounds awful what yiu went through but you did the right thing x

In UK you're advised to put baby in back to sleep. I'm in spain and here they say they must sleep on their side. I he hosp, they even roles up a towel to out by back so they can't go on to back, this is to stop problems if they're sick,

Hope you're ok x
I'd be booking a Dr appointment as soon as possible just to double check and put your mind at rest.

I'm also surprised you weren't taken to a&e - not because baby is ill - but I was told by paramedics if you call an ambulance for an under 2 they take you in regardless (called one when James was 13m and he smashed his face. He was given the all clear by paramedic but we had to go in for this reason? It must vary from trust to trust?)

Hope you got a little sleep.

Awwww poor little Emilie, and poor you. I've got 3 kids, and this would stress me out too.

Can you ring you HV for some advice? My youngest had reflux so was constantly choking on her vomit. We had her in our room, with the Angelcare sound and movement monitor on just for peace of mind. I also tried a sleep positioner to keep her on her side.

Is Emilie bottle or breast fed? If she's bottle fed, you could try a smaller teat size. We went back to premie bottles because the flow was too fast on the normal bottles.
You poor thing that sound so frightening. A bad mum is the last thing you are by the sounds of it you did everything you should have done. Definitely get on the phone to your HV or book an urgent appointment at your GP, just for you piece of mind! You can't spend any more time this worried and distressed, you need someone to give you some advice and put your mind at rest, don't hesitate to start ringing round!
The rolled up towel thing is a good idea we did that with Felix when he choked a bit on his sick when he was lying in his basket.
Do whatever you need to do to ease your distress, I'm sure your babba will be fine but you need reassurance by the sounds of it xo
A bad mum because an unavoidable incident happened?

A bad mum because you acted immediately and called for help?

A bad mum because you helped your baby?

A bad mum because you're so worried about your baby you're expecting to be up all night?

I think that makes you a great mum, to be honest.

I hope you did get some sleep, and I hope she's better today.

How has she been with milk since? If it happens again I'd absolutely take her in to A&E or wherever you can get her seen ASAP, explain what's happening and get her checked over.

Most likely it was a one-off.

I hope you had a better night xx
Sorry it's taken a while to get back to you all. Thank you for your kind words. Emilie is fine no further incidents. I stayed up all night and all night last night as I'm so scared of something happening. And tonight I can't sleep either even though I'm so so exhausted! I'm trying to breastfeed but my milk supply isn't fantastic so I'm also topping up with formula. I'm not doing so well. I love my daughter so much but I don't feel like I'm bonding with her :( I feel really down and tearful... The exhaustion doesn't help but I feel awful. I feel like crying all the time. And the worst thing is i dont feel the need to hold my baby or be near her all the time ...Feel like a terrible mum and person X
You sound completely normal for someone who's just given birth' and you sound like ur doing a fab job. I was like u and for my sanity and my baby decided to switch to formula completely. I'm not saying you should do that but if ur topping her up with formula it will be affecting your supply, your body will only supply on demand if that makes sense?

Either way it sounds like you are doing everything right. The bond will come in time, but at the moment ur still in the stage of 'wtf have I done to my life' and that's normal. Xxxxx
I agree with Mrs b above.

I struggled to bond with my little boy at first, I knew I 'love him' but I didn't feel hugely connected to him, I always imagined that gooey feeling you see everywhere, kissing and wanting them by your side every second.
I had none of that, it took a good 4/5 months before I started to feel a good bond between us.

He's now 11 months old, and since around 10 months hes been able to show me some affection back, and god does it feel good. NOW.. I get that gooey feeling. So don't worry, it'll come.

Exhaustion really does take it out of you, I was a stroppy, moody cow, I hated my husband and everyone around me, mainly because they got to sleep! Have you got anyone who could do a night of feeds? or atleast maybe stay up with you for support if your breastfeeding. Some nights, especially on the bad ones, I always used to give my husband a poke to wake up and talk to me while I was feeding (bottle).

Things will get better and if you start feeling like their not, call you HV and ask to have a chat, or even see your GP. Their there to offer you support.
Hope you've got some sleep in the mean time xx

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