A little comfort


May 10, 2007
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Hi Girls and Guys

I had a fall down a flight of stairs (top to bottom) on saturday evening in a resturant. I am 33 weeks, I was obviously rushed striaght to hospital and was checked over.. as was baby..

After checking me over that I hadn't broken my neck or back, they checked baby for a heartbeat which they couldn't find.. I was rushed to Labour unit where I had an ultra-sound which showed everything was ok, altho babies heart-rate was fast. Very scary!

Her heart rate at peak was 191+, and was in distress for a couple of hours as apparently I was having tightenings but I was so "out of it" I didn't even notice. I am just worried that despite the fact the doctors said she is ok and sent me home, and I have no bleeding or pains that the few hours her heart rate was so high could have damaged her in some way?! I've been told to expect an earlier delievery due to the trauma!! And to top it all off they found Glucose in my urine so I'm now being tested AGAIN for gestational Diabetes :( Tough times.

They also suspect I have cracked a rib but cant confirm with an x-ray, will this have any bearing on the way she is delivered do you think?

Luv Sovvy x
How awful for you! It must have been frightening.
I'm sure there's no lasting damage to your baby, they are well protected in there and they checked everything out with the ultrasound. I think the best thing you can to is rest up as much as possible and focus on a calm and peaceful 7 weeks.
As for the cracked rib, even if they diagnosed it they don't do anything with them and let them heal naturally I think, so again use the time you have left to heal and hopefully the rib won't cause you extra pain while you're pushing! Drink plenty of milk for the calcium!! :D
awwwww hun, that sounds horrible. just rest up and get everybody else to do everything for you :hug: :hug:
You poor thing :hug:

The only thing I know about is cracked ribs - they don't do anything for it. Just be careful of rotational movements as they can really hurt

Hope everything is OK
Ooh :( I know you had a fall but I didn't realise it was so bad.. hope you feel better soon. You get stuck or anything or need a hand you know where we are :hug:
can u sue the restaurant?

glad and hope babys ok and glad your ok :)
Awww hun, I did the action woman stunt a few weeks ago too. Didnt hurt myself anyway like you did though. Hope you and LO are now ok and feeling better soon. :hug: :hug: :hug:
awww you poor thing, hope your feeling better soon :hug:
Sorry to hear about your fall but glad to read you and baby are ok. If you have a broken rib that'll be painful and you'll have to rest it. The hospital could probably give you some painkillers if it gets really bad.

glad your ok :hug:
this i one thing ive been worried about cos im clumsy anyway at the best of times :rotfl:
you poor thing how scarey!!

Glad everything is OK, take care and rest up :hug:
OMG you poor thing are you ok? I hope someone is looking after you, take care with the rib, if its cracked the pain can catch you unawares spesh when you breathe!
Be careful and take it easy! :hug: :hug:
Thankyou so much for all your kind words of support, really helped me get through yesterday, was having a really tough time.

I got my hubby looking after me atm, I was considering getting a bell but I think that maybe taking it a little too far lol :rotfl:

I am feeling loads better today, got my check up tomoro and results of diabetes on friday so I'll let you all know how I get on.

Thanks again
Luv Sovvy x x

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