A huge thank you


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2011
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Hi everyone, well I'm back home with my little man and I must admit I am so smitten :love: I will post my labour story this week, but as Spammy reported it was very quick and took everyone (including the midwife by surprise). But Max is worth every ounce of pain, in fact as I'm typing this he is snuggled up on his Daddy's chest in a milk induced coma and it just makes me melt.

I just wanted to say a huge thank you to anyone whose helped reassure me or offer me advice at any stage in my pregnancy, it was so nice to go through the whole thing with all of you. Also you don't get rid of me that easily. As much as I'll be asking a whole host of new questions in the Mother & Baby section I'll still be loitering around here to see when each of you have your babies and of course do Spammy's labour thread :)

Right had better get back to my little man but just wanted to add a couple of pics below, me and my OH have become like tourists with our cameras and seem to have a photo for almost every hour of the day :)



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massive congrats well done he is lovely !!!!
Awwww, he is absolutely gorgeous! And what a lovely pic of Mother and son! Congratulations :):):)
Oh sweetie he's beautiful!!! Look at that gorgeous little face!!!

Massive congratulations to you all!
He is gorgeous!!!! Congratulations hun!!

Massive congrats! He is gorgeous! X

Sent from my BlackBerry 9800 using Tapatalk
What a beautiful little boy! Big congrats Hun!
He's sooo gorgeous hun :D Congratulations!! x x
Congratulations!! He is gorgeous x :)

Sent from my HTC Desire S using Tapatalk 2
He's gorgeous congratulations! x

Using tapatalk so excuse the typos!
Awww. What a cutie. Well done, and congratulations again!
Hope to join you soon! xxx
He is just perfect Taffy, you must be over the moon.

Enjoy your little man but don't be a stranger - there seems to be something in the water at the moment and you lovely ladies in Tri 3 are popping them out left, right and centre :lol: :lol:

Congratulations, he's gorgeous xx
He is gorgeous hun, well done! See u over in baby and toddler hopefully soon xx

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