A cunning plan...


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2010
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This month I have a cunning plan... cram as much as possible in during the 2ww so I forget all about it (yeah right... :fib: )

Lined up so far:

  • Hairdressers appointment
  • Chiropractor appointment
  • Friends over to visit
  • Work night out (soft drinks only of course...)
  • A Gig
I'm hoping we can share ideas to help fill up the rest of my spare time :-) Any thoughts? Xx
Good idea! I'm trying to take that approach more long-term too - I'm planning lots of weekends away and friends here etc so that I don't just put life on hold and wait to get pg.

SPC xx
good idea I think I will do that on the next 2ww as I have afeeling this weekend the :witch: will be arriving x
I am going to visit my family in Edinburgh in the last week of 2WW so will distract me a bit.

I think I will also redecorate my front room to take my mind off things.

Good luck ladies and heres hoping we can retain some of our sanity this time round xx
I agree with your plan Bead - am trying to do the same! Currently 9dpo and so far crammed in lots of paperwork, lots of swimming, walking the :dog:and watching mindless television in the gaps! I don't know when af is due (v irregular cycle) so if it hasn't arrived on 18 or 19dpo then I will test. I'm currently feeling quite calm mostly because I have a gut feeling it hasn't worked this month...I know I know, pma!

:dust: to all! x x x x
That's a very good plan.

It's so annoying because I'm in the middle of the wait at the moment and I spend all day alone in front of a computer at work so it's so easy to pop up a webpage and obsesse over FFs chart gallery.

I didn't go online at all yesterday and spent the whole time reading instead. If we keep trying much longer I think I'll have to get a library card!

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