A cruel, cruel body! - up-dated: Been to see midwife today.

:( Sorry to hear you're having a rough time - good to see that you're being looked after well and I hope you can make plenty of time to rest :hug:
I love this forum :)

Have just waddled to the shop. SPD and hernia hurting, making the waddle more a necessity than anyhting else lol

Felt rubbish...So come on here and have nice messages waiting to make me smile :D

Debecca: It is not pleasant at all. I got it at 35/36 weeks last time, so did not get physio. This time, I will get the physio, so hopefully wont get as bad as last time....fingers crossed! When did yours start?

MissSara: Good luck with physio! Let me know how it goes. Our docs as a physio too. Next to the room I see my midwife. I hope its them at the surgery I get to see.

mandspice: Thank you for the lovely message. I am taking time away from working at the moment. I went back to supply work in a library, as was a support worker doing 12 hour shifts (was too much)....But even at the library, it is all standing....So, I am broke at the mo, but not having to try to feel ok for work takes a weight off my mind.

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