A Brain tumour is th cause of my infertility.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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Some of you will remember me, i don't post on here very often, but thought i would let the people know.

We have been trying for baby no2 for about 2 yrs, my monthly cycles have been getting longer and longer. Bloods done last year were normal, but i went back to see the doctor 2 weeks ago as i had another 76 day cycle and he did routine bloods again, I went yesterday to get the results.
My prolactin levels are through the roof, there are only 2 causes of this.. pregancy (which i'm not) or a Prolactinoma a tumour of the Pituitary Gland.

So i am being sent for an emergency referal, within the next month.

The good news is that it is not malignant and my fertility should return once treated.

So all in all a bit of a shock for me, my hubby and family.

we think it has been caught early enough, and hopefully all i will need is drugs. or at worst radio therapy or surgery.
:hug: :hug: :hug: oh hun, I am sorry to hear that. Hope drugs will sort it out for your soon xxx
OMG hun r u ok, glad they found the reason and i hope treatment goes well, doesnt seem that long since we were expecting lo's togeather :hug:
Yes it s a bit freaky, but feeling a bit better today!
:shock: I hope your doing ok hun, i just wanted to give you these :hug: :pray: im really sorry for your bad news, but its good that you know now whats causing your problems. hope you get it treated and get well asap. I also hope you get that baby as soon as your well. good luck xxx
hi hun

hope your ok and you get things sorted out, please let us know how it all goes :hug: :hug:
Hi honey, i hope they are able to sort things out quickly for you.

I remember you from ages ago, I think our cycles were in synch at one point!

wishing you loads of luck and babydust xxx
:hug: Hope the drugs sort it out soon. Hope you are feeling OK.
gosh i bet that was a real shock, but i am glad to hear that it is maliganat and that after treatment your fertility should be ok.
im sorry to hear whats happened and hope you get treated really soon.
:hug: :hug:

Laura x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: times a million!!
sorry to hear this
and hope everythin gets sorted ASAP for you, and you get the BFP you deserve very soon xxxx
Hey Hypnorm
I def remember you hun, so sorry, must be so frightening
sending lots of :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
What shocking news it must be for you all.

Really hope that it can be resolved quickly for you and that you soon get your BFP. :hug:
Hey honey,

My dad had this a couple of years ago and it was fairly straightforward to treat once they had diagnosed him - he's much better now. He got a lot of help and support from the Pitutary Foundation - you can find this on google, I think - they have lots of info about different tumours of the pituatary gland on there.

I think you'll be fine and its good to find out a reason for your infertility and be able to receive treatment - lots of love and luck

Valentine Xxx
I've seen the exact same thing on discovery health channel. A lady who wasn't having her periods, turned out (after lots of tests as it was so bizzare) it was a brain tumor. As soon as it was removed she got her periods and got pregnant! I was amazed by it all....

I'm sorry you're going through this but it's great that you've found what's wrong, you'll be able to fix it

Take care, let us know how you get on
:hug: :hug:

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