A bit disappointed...


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2010
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It seem's even though we tried our damn hardest to conceive this month, we;'ve not been successfull as the dreaded witch has decided not to take that poxy 9 mth vacation and has turned up tonight :(
Stupid AF is here :wall2:

feel so rubbish, it's like my body isn't doing what it has done 3 times already? why is it so hard? we tried so much this month :(
Ah :( Sorry the witch got you.. Seen your other post :hug: Keep trying hun, lots of baby dust :dust: xxx
Ah :( Sorry the witch got you.. Seen your other post :hug: Keep trying hun, lots of baby dust :dust: xxx

Thankyou hun, it's all we can do :)
Just hate it, this is a mean old af as well, it's been giving me cramping really strong all week and the pain in my back at the moment is excrutiating, it's horrible :(
chemical miscarriage last month and damn af this month grrr!
i don't wanna let my man down.
I'm yet to tell him yet :(
i need to work out when i am definitely ovulating next month. How do i do that?X
I obv did it wrong this month?x
:( Poor you :hug: Sorry to hear about your loss too hun, must make it that bit harder for you AF arriving :hug:

Oh hun, try to tell him soon.. I'm sure he will be there for you and will probably be easier for you getting it off your chest and having the support.. You can buy ovulation test kits, google them and have a look on ebay.. They can indicate when you are close to ovulating.. Also keeping track of your basal body tempreture and keeping an eye on your cervical mucus can also be a good indicator of when you are in your fertile period :hug:


There is some good info on here on charting your BBT x
:( Poor you :hug: Sorry to hear about your loss too hun, must make it that bit harder for you AF arriving :hug:

Oh hun, try to tell him soon.. I'm sure he will be there for you and will probably be easier for you getting it off your chest and having the support.. You can buy ovulation test kits, google them and have a look on ebay.. They can indicate when you are close to ovulating.. Also keeping track of your basal body tempreture and keeping an eye on your cervical mucus can also be a good indicator of when you are in your fertile period :hug:


There is some good info on here on charting your BBT x

Thanks so much hun! really appreciate it!
Yeah i know i need 2 tell him in the morning, he's such a good dad to my children he'll be fantastic with our own, i'd love to give him a baby more than anything on this earth, i just don't seem to be working very well at the moment lol!!
i just don't get it, i've had the urinating frequently, i've been so tired, i've been eating more, nauseaus, sore breasts.. it seemed like we might have been in with a chance but... obviously not. I wouldn't be miscarrying again would i? i mean i am not late i am on time? i doubt there's any chance i could still be pregnant either. Damnit!
i'll go look at that link xx
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