

Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2006
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Well, despite saying we were goint to ease ourselves back into TTC after our mc...this month has become a frenzied blur of extreme symptom spotting and misplaced optimism. I jsut can't help myslef, I so want my baby.

AF made an apprearance tonight :cry: feeling a little bewildered because usually we catch relatively easily...i am scared that mc has made me infertile or something. i know it sounds mad, but I think about silly things.

feeling delicate too because OH's cousin, single, jobless with myriad of problems gave birth yesterday after one night stand. I do feel happy for her, almost sorry really because she has very little support. but i can't help thinking 'why not me?'

Looking on the bright side i suppose...more wine for a few more weeks, lots more BD in our newly ignited BD life :cheer: and at least i wont be 27 weeks preggers when going on my jollies.

Now how do I reset this ticker?
Dear Happybunny,
Although I don't know you I want to tell you I understand and sympathise with you with all my heart. I hope you won't mind me sharing a little of my story with you...I remember the pain I went through when I lost my precious little "Riddler" at 8 weeks back in May 2003. It seemed EVERYWHERE I looked someone was pregnant, and it seemed to me that a lot of these women didn't deserve the precious little beings growing inside them. I worked in an off licence and I can't tell you the amount of pregnant women I saw buying cigarettes, booze even, and pregnant 'rough' (that's as kind as I can be) mothers screaming abuse at their 3 or 4 older children... And I was thinking of relocting to Watford (Eastenders Land!) as it seemed EVERY woman on that show got pregnant from a one night stand! It was (and is!) SO unfair when there are women like us in this world who want our babies with all our hearts and would provide such a welcoming and loving home and life for them, and yet we struggle.

There is a happy ending to my story because a year later I did have my little girl (now 2 yrs and 3 months old) after completely giving up hope. Honestly, hubby and I only bd one day that month and I was so convinced that I was unable to get pregnant that when I realised I was late, the first thing my mind suspected was cancer or something horrible--(that's the way I think!) not pregnancy. My mother did always say that good things come to those who wait and she said I would have my baby. That was so hard to hear when I was down in the dumps and so very depressed--I didn't believe her, but she was right after all.

Now I have a new life, a new hubby and we are TTC. I want lots of babies! My little girl is growing up so fast and I crave a precious little one to hold so much that it's actually bringing tears to my eyes as I type. I'm praying for all of you out there and I hope all our dreams come true.

x Mags x
i'm sorry your af came. hope you get a BFP soon, lots of baby dust :hug:
aww thanks for the messages. your story is lovely mags...it certainly does give me hope :D
Hi Michelle,

I'm sorry honey - but I'm sure that you'll catch really soon and you'll be in a happy stage of 2nd tri (not getting too uncomfy yet) by the time you head off on your holidays in the summer.

I'm thinking of you.


Valentine xxx
sorry your AF came :hug:

good luck for next month :hug:
soo sorry she got you hon, really had a good feeling for you. sending you loads of baby dust!

Sorry AF came hun :( Wishing you loads of baby dust for next month

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