i want to scream

it's really sweet. slightly segmented and orange. you eat it whole (like an apple but no core) very juicy like a pear or peach.
They sound nice will have a look when I shop next, your very good Rose I should take a leaf out of your book and snack on fruit not mini eggs!!
You guys are a riot! :lol: But good LORD, that's a lot of food, ladies; I'm impressed. I had trout, brown rice, and vegetables, and I'm stuffed to the brim!
it's taken since 5ish to get that all down me - and i did only have a cup-a-soup for me lunch!
Oooooo Mel you are so good, but like Rose I have been troughing since about 6 ish and Mick made me eat the mini eggs when he came in !!!!! Honest he shoved them in my mouth!!!!! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Have I convinced anyone ???? :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
melissa5317 said:
You guys are a riot! :lol: But good LORD, that's a lot of food, ladies; I'm impressed. I had trout, brown rice, and vegetables, and I'm stuffed to the brim!

wow thats very healthy, good on you :dance:

well any how just an up date and........


none what so ever! he was late home and tired so i didnt even go there! :( :( :(
mine got in really late, this morning he turned me down :evil: get this - because of overuse!! I'll cut his flipping hand off cause it wasn't with me! (last time was sunday!!)
oooooh, BAD BOY!!! Mine knows very well he's not allowed to do that, but the compromise to me telling him that he has to do it whenever I want is that vice versa is also true. It's surprising that we don't do it more, really! :rotfl:

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