A bit concerned


Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2015
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Hi ladies

I'm currently 7+4 and for the past 4 or so days iv had brown discharge. It's been every day and seams to be increasing. ATM I'd say its no more than a teaspoonful a day but twice iv seen broken liquid dripping down the toilet bowl. It's a very dark colour, not at all red and there has been some very small blobs in it.

Iv barely any pain, just occasional mild cramps.

Iv been googling likje mad and generally it seems like should be OK as long as not lots of bright red blood and pain. But I'm still a bit concerned. Anyone on here had similar?

Also, iv got my brothers graduation tomorrow and I'm wearing a cream dress. I'm worried il leak, is it OK to use a tampon?


I havent experienced it but i know plenty of people do and all is well.
If u are worried see if ur docs will refer u for an early scan?
I dont think u can use tampons during pregnancy only pads x
I would ring EPU and see if they can fit you in to find out what is going on, hopefully it is all ok but at least it would put your mind at rest. They were great with me when I asked for a scan at 8 weeks with my daughter due to cramping and they showed me her little heart beating away so I was reassured.

No, definitely don't use tampons hun they are a no no in pregnancy, just put a pad on.

Keep us posted x
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Thanks girls. I phoned the epu buyt its only open 8-4. Will call again in the morning.

I went for a nice bath there so feeling a bit better.

Hopefully can get a week scan and everything will be fine.

Thanks for taking the time to reply xx
Have you heard of breakthrough bleeding? It's when you bleed a tiny bit at around the time your period would have been due. I had a small one at 8 weeks and a big one at 12 weeks. Had emergency scans with both bleeds and all was fine and they couldn't see where it had come from.
Hope you get a scan and everything is okay :)
I had brown with theo but to be honest I was that scared I told a little porky to epu told them it was a lot more than it was said it was going on a pad it wasn't and said it was redder ! I was desperate to be scanned and see my baby was ok and he was :) just unexplained left over blood try not to worry if you exaggerate a little tho you may get a scan .. It's bit naughty I know xxx
Just back from epu and all is fine. What a relief! Had worked myself up into a bit of a frenzy. Got abdominal scan and then internal scan, baby is there and even saw a heart beat!

They've put me at 6+1 but couldn't be sure as its too early.

They lady who took all my details was lovely but the one doing the scan was a bit off :-\

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