9w after d\c- still no AF or O!


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2006
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Well, I am still waiting for something to happen. D\c was 12th December, actual m\c was in October, I've not had an AF since July.

Has anyone else waited this long? I am really getting to the end of my tether :cry:

I have spent a fortune on chinese medicine and acupuncture and it hasn't worked, docs don't want to know til mid march, I have started taking ovulex yesterday- a vitex containing herbal mix- but I seriously need something to happen soon.

I should be in 3rd tri and haven't had even 1 bl**dy AF yet


sorry for the rant...
Sorry I cant really help you. I had d/c on 14th Dec but got my af on 22nd Jan.
Can't see why the docs won't help you though when you have been waiting for so long.

Hope something happens for you soon :hug:
:hug: Aw sweetie, sorry she hasn't arrived, I post on another forum and I know of people there who waited months for her to arrive too.

One of my friends has waited 5 months before AF turned up, now she is on the 2WW...fingers crossed,

I know another who waited for months then had another 11 week gap between them, BOTH ladies got help from their GP's (clomid?? or something... I'll find out for you if you want? )

Most of the other girls who had problems and no AF got meds, had to follow a schedule and have had many success stories.
I hope you get your Answer soon, and don't worry too much March is just around the corner, if you don't get AF or 'God Willing A BFP' befroe then...

Like you my MMC would be born April/ May time....I hold on to all the stories of Mum's finding out their PG again on their angels EDD.... :pray: Please let that be the case for us.... :pray:

You take care of yourself, good luck Doll, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:
Im so sorry you are going through this fothers. i really think you should consider changing doctors if you are not getting any help at all. This must be a really hard time for you, but i think the most important thing is to try and stay calm.

I hope things get better soon. :hug:
Hi Fothers,

You must be so frustrated!! :wall: I can imagine it must be terrible having to wait because you just want to get on and TTC again. Have you been to the docs? Is there anything they can do to investigate or kick start it? I don't have too much experience..my AF came about 5 weeks after mc. I think Yvonne is right, things will eventually work themselves out, but I can imagine that is little comfort when you want things to happen right now!

Lots of hugs, I hope this gets sorted soon!!! :hug:
aw hun im sorry you still havent had anything happen yet it hasnt happened to me but i bet its so frustrating. I would maybe get a second opinion as i would have thought it would have been looked in to by now.

Keep in touch hun, hope your ok :hug: :hug:
Thanks everyone :hug:

I am going to phone the doctors at the start of March. Or maybe at the end of next week when I get back from Amsterdam depending on how I feel...

Last time I phoned the clinic I spoke to a nurse who said sometimes it happens that it takes a while. If it was just from December it wouldn't be so bad but it has been going on since October. Never mind- good things come to those who wait.....

Hopefully sticky BFPs for us all soon :hug:
isn't it funny, how we go from not wanting AF to arrive to wanting her to ?? (sorry thats just my post traumatic stress talking)

My sister had a silent m/c discovered at 12 week scan, sac was sized at 7 weeks and she didn't start bleeding till 14 weeks and then didn't stop for 4 months :shock:

I def couldn't cope with that. Hope you get sorted soon x

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